
How quickly are auto insurance claims processed?

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Specifically when I wasn't the one at fault and I am processing the claim through the other person's insurance. What is the time frame? (They have to investigate first) thanks!!

I really want to take my car to the body shop ASAP!! How long will I have to wait?




  1. Usually they are processed in thirty days, but could take longer if there is a large amount of investgating to do (in other words a tragic accident).

  2. I have met similiar situation before.It is not easygoing,however,I get through it well is the resource i find is useful for me.hope it works for you.

  3. Sometimes as much as a month depending on the company

  4. pinK ribbon, There are tons of sites where you can get an online quote. It only takes about 5 minutes to do.

  5. For automobile insurance the best way to get a good rate is do a rate comparison on car policies. Make sure that you pick similar options with the same limits, auto make, zip code, etc so that all options are an accurate comparison.

    What I always recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have discount insurers and will give multiple quotes on auto insurance polices.

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