
How quickly does CPS take children away

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CPS is investigating my aunt and uncle's house because of their daughters' kids. One of my cousins is 17 and expecting her second child, I really don't think she should have any children at all. Her older sister with two kids and her husband live there too.

Anyway, the house is filthy because they throw everything (dishes, clothes, diapers, cigarette butts etc.) on the floor. CPS has investigated before and I really don't think they are going to pass inspeection this time.

So if they haven't cleaned up enough when CPS comes, back, will they take the children away immediately? And then what legal stuff happens after that?

And I forgot to mention that the children are two 2 year olds, one 4 month old baby, and one of my cousins is about to have another one. Would they be able to take away the new one right after it's born?




  1. depending on their professional judgement, they could take the kids right away, or they could work with the family to learn to be a better, cleaner family.

    or anywhere in between.

    in general, they prefer to keep families together unless there is a clear and immediate hazard, which you don't allege.

  2. If CPS determines that the children are at risk and the caretakers have shown an inability or unwillingness to correct the conditions, the children an be removed immediately, or after an emergency court hearing, and the unborn child could be included as soon as it is born. I would expect CPS to try to find a foster home for the pregnant child so that she could keep the child. Some states don't do much for 17 year olds, however.

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