
How quickly is the promotion from Private to Private First Class in Marine Corps?

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I am pretty sure that the Army has some sort of automatic promotion after 3 months or something and I am just curious if it is the same or similar with the Marine Corps.

So how long does it take to get promoted from Private to Private First Class?




  1. It's 6 months time in grade and time in service for Pvt to PFC.  All you have to do is keep yourself inline for 6 months and you'll get promoted.  There really isn't a difference in anything, but the pay.

    MCIs the "red books" the first respondant referred to will not help you until you're a LCpl and you get a cutting score.

  2. I'm gonna guess here because im drunk and i forget..

    Pvt to PFC is 6 months

    PFC to Lance Coolie is 9 have to be a PFC for 9 months then you get LCPL..

    These promotions are automatic unless you are a nasty Marine and these ranks can be taken from youn as quickly as they get pinned on you.

  3. if you do well in boot camp and show you are a good leader and are above the rest in how your perform you can graduate boot as a PFC. honestly you will rarely see higher unless they did something before they entered boot that gave them a leg up. otherwise the majority of your class will graduate with private. after you graduate, it will depend on your yourself. get good grades in you MOS school, keep your nose clean, look like you are always busy doing something productive. might take a few months.

  4. depends on you some of my husbands buddies came out of boot camp with Lance.  There is a time frame but if you have bad behavior you won't receive it on time.  My suggestion is to be a little pushy and try to be a leader when you can, do your best and make sure you do your "red books' at least that is what we called them they are on line classes now, but you also get some college credit for them.  Good luck

  5. well outta boot camp most likely you are a pvt, if you have prior service like if you did young marines or rotc or jrotc you can get out as a pfc. if you get out of boot camp as a pvt its about 3-6 months, just keep your self in line, dont s***w up, and stay moto!  

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