
How "VIOLENCE" indirectly affect all of us??

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How "VIOLENCE" indirectly affect all of us??




  1. I had a sawed off shotgun held to my head during a robbery. Just living through that made me feel very protected and grateful to be alive and also afraid to go back to work at the same time. The next day, the young men who robbed us killed a young man the had previously been friends with. THAT freaked me out. I think when people are subjected to violent images day in and day out, we become detatched and numb to it like it doesn't mean anything

  2. Voilence in Africa does not affect you at all.

  3. it affects all of you, and I am not affected at all. besides that increasing violence has made me support for the right to bear arms. and that criminals with guns makes me feel thankful i can legally shoot them dead if they come in my home with a gun.

    and that I learned the use of violence is better than 10,000 nonviolence means of speech. one violent action and the message is clear. the sword (gun/bomb) is mightier than the pen, since is easier to just murder all the people in your way.

  4. Violence affects s all mentally.

  5. Here is a good one I will share, a few years back I was at a New Years party...Hosting DJ\KJ Not 5 minutes after midnight I was looking across the room, all the sudden it was like a wave and the whole room broke into a fight. I couldn't believe what was happening right in front of my eyes...people got cut with beer bottles,some guy got knifed, Blood everywhere, My partner was yelling on the Mic from across the room for me to get in one of the back rooms in the house and lock the door. Next thing I knew there were gunshots outside...I'm on the floor in a back bedroom,with a few other people, cause God only knew where the bullets were going, I didn't want to find out...Apparently, this all started cause some guy looked at someone elses girl...Stupidity....On the way home, Me and the other DJ...talked about what we had witnessed and how crazy it was...We cried, I thought I was going to be sick...for days I couldn't shake this ordeal out of my mind...I actally cried for over a week on and off...I ended calling a friend of mine to find out why I couldn't make this all go out of my head. I didn't even know the people that had thrown the party. I was Traumatized...and My friend told me my feelings (reaction) was totally normal and that because it was so traumatic I was doing what I had to to deal with the situation...It is amazing what violence can lets just say, an innocent bystander...

  6. Violence is a collective act of indifference and desperation it affects us directly and indirectly for example if your local bank is robbed it affects your town and therefore affecting you indirectly though.  Also another result of violence is war it affects you as well if there is a war even if you are not enlisted you have to pay to keep it going. Socially and economically violence directly and indirectly affects us all.

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