
How "big" are different auditions?

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okay, i have no experience for auditioning, since i never have, so i was wondering if anybody knew and could explain different levels of auditioning...

so basically, with each one, im asking, generally: how much dialouge/reading do they have you perform? what do they have you perform ((parts from a different work, or parts from whatever you're audtioning for))?

and feel free to add ANYTHING else that would help me understand the process of it and stuff!

1) junior high/high school play?

2) college play?

3) public play at a community theater type place?

4) television show? (like below, but without the movie theater)

5) movie? (that would play in a movie theater, not just one that a lot of people won't know about)

and feel free to add in other types/levels of auditioning that i didnt list, just be sure you tell me what it would be for! thanks!




  1. well it all really depends on the type of casting they're doing. If they're going to give everyone who auditions a role then the auditions are going to distinguish wether you get a larger role or a smaller role and that's all. If, however, only a few people who audition get in then the audition is going to distinguish two different parts: 1)wether you should be in the production or not and 2) how large you're roll will be.

    for a HS play it depends on the casting (like i said above). If it's a musical then they'll have you sing a song that you prepared and either have your read a monologue they chose (or you chose ahead of time) or read from the script for what part you want.

    for a college play the same rules above apply but they'll expect more from you.

    for a community play they usually cast everyone who auditions and will have you read a monologue or part of the script that they gave you and if it's a musical they'll ask you to sing a song

    for a TV show usually a script or monologue reading for a certain character and not everyone who auditions gets in

    for a movie then the same goes for a TV show. read from the movie script or a monologue they give you for a specific role.

    If you want to audition for broadway then have a monologue and a song ready and be prepared to dance. You'll have to go through a process of elimination before they tell you if you're cast in the role of if you should go home.

    for plays, very important: be sure to PROJECT!! if you're auditioning for a musical you need to make sure you can sing loudly as well.

    Be sure that you put your all in your auditions and that you are someone that they want to cast. Show your personality and be charismatic. Don't be afraid to do anything just because it looks stupid. Be sure before you go into an audition (no matter what it's for) that you have a song and a monologue prepared just in case. Hope this helps.

  2. they have u cold read or

    usually they have u prepare either movie or commercial monologues

    it's what they do A LOT in auditions

    so before an audition u should have one memorized

    it should say what type of audition it is

    on whatever it is that u are doing

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