
How "deeply unsettled" are the real British about mass immigration?

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  1. well im not happy with it.  

  2. If they're unsettled about it why don't they vote BNP??? They obviously don't care about mass immigration.

  3. about time they noticed

    now what will they do about it?

    when we have to have translators at parents evenings at schools, and support staff to support dozens of mother tongues and areas where you would be hard pressed to know you were in england - they say they have just noticed many of us aren't happy

    i'm sick of paying for the kids of immigrants back home in poland and for the multiple wives of pakistani men back in pakistan

    it is time that the politicians realised that they have been taken for a ride by people who come here to take advantage of our generous benefit system and some of these have no intention of making a contribution to this country (unless it is to bleed it dry) or to integrate

    some of the disgusting practises that have been brought to our country from these third world countries are called 'traditions' even if they are abhorrent to the majority of british people

  4. From reading the body language on the streets, VERY deeply unsettled. Thats the honest answer.

    But the British society is so left wing PC that everyone is too afraid to speak their own mind.

    Immigration if handled correctly can bring great benefits to a country. But what the labour party don't understand is that your supposed to let in only the decent immigrants.

    The government has put things on the mend but its 8 years late and behind most other countries.

  5. it really P I S S E S me off the way that pakis and polish waltz into england and take our benefits. they send our money back and have the audacity to take our jobs!

    bnp all the way

  6. Wher as he been in a f*****k i n g coma

  7. I am really pissed off about it.  I think we all need to vote for the BNP and get this problem sorted.

  8. I for one am unsettled, I have lived In Britain all My life and so has all my family, I am 18 and have been now (to date) looking for employment for Two years, with no glimmer of light.

    I think this is due t mass immigration, When I enquire at the job shop they say "Its the best person for the job", but is it?  

  9. People have always moved around but Briton has had quite a large chunk of recent movement, firstly with Asylum seekers (I am proud that we open our doors to genuine other human beings in danger)  but I think our hospitality has been abused.  Then we have an unknown amount of illegal immigrants which has been very unsettling, (I think the only way to stop that is finger and iris test which would also stop benefit fraud and if hospitals also had the means to check most people could be caught in time).  Lastly we have the EU members for financial reason, I don't blame anyone for wanting a better life and a lot of the ones who shout the most against them are the ones who live on benefits because they are too lazy to go to work.

    The most unsettling is our home grown children who are British from emigrant parents who are supporting the life style their parents wanted to get away from.  We are respectful of all religions and it would be nice if we were respected in the same way.


  10. The answer is beyond words.. This country is a laughing stock. Indigenous Brits have truly had enough, but there is no end in sight. The government are tightening up immigration control but way too late, the conservatives will get in next time around but thet dont have the balls to put things right. Trouble is on its way big time! BNP dont have a hope but UKIP will get stronger and they will be the only hope of putting things right. Have a national referendum and ask the country what they think about the state of things! This is a sinking ship, why are Brits leaving in record numbers for a better life? Someone needs to grab this place by the scruff of the neck and sort it out, build more prisons stamp out crime, get rid of the booze culture. Ordinary people are starting to loose their jobs, wont be long until people say enough is enough then look out! Keep an eye on David Davis dark horse maybee this countries next Winston Churchill.  

  11. im american and live in america. but i feel their pain. illegal immigrant mexicans in america taking away jobs of REAL americans. i wish you well my buddies across the pond.

  12. I think, with respects, that if you want to analyse 'what has gone wrong with Britain' you have to look further than the effects of immigration as a single issue.  You may have views about the economics of it and the desirability of population control, this is in itself a debatable point between economists, but if you are considering quality of life and the preservation of British identity, to me the rot set in a lot earlier with the greedy consumerism that kicked off in the 1950s and 60s and the deliberate commercial promotion of a youth culture that produced rebellious younger generations at odds with their elders.  Plus manufacturing industries were wound down leading to broken working class communities, small shops could not compete with supermarkets, small cafes could not compete with fast food chains and so on.  Even without immigration I think there would have been serious challenges in developing a fair society in which people were able to be given priority over the profit motive.

    I imagine that Labour are now considering tighter immigration controls because: a) the country is now going into recession, b) they are becoming increasingly concerned about public opinion, for obvious reasons.  Unfortunately public feeling against immigration has been stirred up by often biased and sensationalist reporting, and propaganda from the far right, and a tendancy of people to look for scapegoats without questioning the impact of their own behaviour.

    By all means debate immigration policy, but an all-white Britain is not going to be a practicality now, and even if it were it would be wrong to assume that everything in the garden would then be lovely while disregarding likely home-grown problems.

  13. I spent a few months in the UK, seeing the sights. It was a common discussion in pubs in various villages and cities. The sentiment seemed to me to be much like here in the US. Tired of it and tired of government concessions to immigrants, especially illegal or those seeking government finance. Tired of mistreatment of citizens and contempt for citizens by some immigrant groups.  

  14. we have all fallen for a huge con trick played on us by the labour party....we have believed the deliberate lies, and allowed our selves to become part of the multicultural deception. we have watched on as Tony Blair's calculated lies have so far slaughtered five hundred thousand innocent men women and children and we've done nothing to bring him and hes traitorous party to justice. i really  think that once they are voted out, the least we should do is ensure that they never get back in power again. i cannot believe the damage they have done to this country. and i cannot believe that the British people have let them get away with it.

  15. Very unsettled!it is stoking up problems for future generations as some will not integrate into mainstream society!

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