
How "in-touch" is Boris Johnson with the poorest of London?

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The dodgy, crime-ridden estates, full of drugs and despair?

Do you think he ever drives his great big gas guzzling people carrier through Brixton?




  1. Well I er er er er know the poor very well I I I er er er oh bloody buggering arrse I've locked myself out again.  Are any of you poor people who know how to pick a lock?

  2. he`s a tory they are naturally out of touch

  3. Far more in touch with them than Ken was

  4. He's as much in touch with the poor people of London as David Cameron is in touch with the poor people of Britain, i.e. not at all.

    Arthur Scargill for Mayor!!!   - no scratch that.

    Arthur Scargill for PM!!!  - no scratch that as well.

    Arthur Scargill for Emperor of the Universe!!!! - Ahhhh! That's better!!!

    Forget Davros, here comes Scargross ;-)

  5. I kind of doubt whether Boris Johnson is in touch with reality at all, let alone the plight of the poor.

    Mind you, I thought I heard him saying once that he travelled everywhere on his pushbike. I wouldn't imagine that's the case now he's mayor though.

  6. About as "in-touch" as Red Ken was.

  7. We yanks can understand why you would elected him and we can't understand why you elected  "Red Ken'' Why in the world did y'all elect them If you had any sense you would pick a better leader  as you say London is down the drain and needs all the help one could give it LOL i'm not anti Brit just interested as it would seem I'll have to go back to work in the city

  8. Not at all.

  9. Sounds as if the honeymoon's over for Boris on here!

    I haven't heard of any initiatives he's put forward as yet - perhaps he hasn't got any, or is too busy with the Olympics?

  10. As much in touch as numerous members of New Labour such as Ex-PM Tony Blair was or Alistair Darling (Chancellor).

    Boris Johnson is the great-grandson of Ali Kemal Bey, a liberal Turkish journalist and interior minister in the government of Damat Ferid Pasha, Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, who was murdered during the Turkish War of Independence.

    During World War I, Boris's grandfather and great aunt were recognised as British subjects and took their grandmother's maiden name of Johnson.

    In reference to his cosmopolitan ancestry, Johnson has described himself as a "one-man melting pot" - with a combination of Muslims, Jews and Christians comprising his great-grandparentage. Boris was even born in New York (the great melting pot).

    Johnson is an immigrant here himself, and although he went to a good private school, so did half of New Labour.

  11. Give him half a chance to get London moving again !  Do you go in search of places like that ?  

    I think the question is biased and slanted.  You may as well answer it yourself.

  12. Just like Blair and so many others of our hopeless, corrupt political class, he views the world through the distorting lens of a six figure salary.

    In my experience, the same goes for the senior civil servants who brief these crooks.

    We need representatives from more typical backgrounds, state schools and redbrick universities, who have spent some time in real jobs and having to live on ungenerous pay.

    And who hate privilege and are genuinely working to improve the lives of decent ordinary people.  I don't think Boris the Barmy, or any of our political caste, give a toss for anyone but their corporate employers.

  13. Boris Johnson isnt in touch with this world, let alone london

  14. Nobody would drive a people carrier through Brixton, if you did you run the risk of being shot, perhaps that's why the people of Brixton are still poor despite having every opportunity afforded to them in Government handouts and initiatives aimed at ethnic minority youngsters. Take at look at Government spending in that area. Under Labour more ethnically diverse areas have received vast amounts more than white areas of London like Barking/Dagenham or poor Rural locations and county's. I'm no fan of Boris but if being in touch means shovelling money to people who don't deserve it like Ken did, which has only made crime worse, then being out of touch is the way to go.

  15. About as much as Prince Philip..

    Those who voted for him will live to regret it/

    But all Londoners will suffer for it.

    I hope not for too long.

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