
How r monkeys smarter then us?

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really i was wondering because some people believe we came from monkeys but i dont believe that so if we were monkeys shouldn't we abtain the same iq from them




  1. I dont think they are smarter than us but they were the first of our kind so they think in the same way.

  2. no because we have evolved  our brains and body structure. people that believe we came from monkey are people who believe in evolution.

  3. Well, monkeys don't bother with religion.

  4. Monkeys are not, nor have ever been, more intelligent than us. This is attributed to many wonderful inventions by Mother Nature, primarily the cerebellum.

    Following the theory, we did start out as apes. After the wipe out of the dinosaurs, there weren't nearly as many predators to burden the other animals. Only the small creatures survived, meaning mammals. They took to the trees, probably to avoid one of the other giants of the time, birds. Birds became carnivorous behemoths, eating most any animal they found.

    Eventually, the big birds died out, leaving more leg room for mammals. This is probably the time that the roots of bears, elephants, whales, and all the other big mammals appeared.

    The monkeys eventually transformed into apes in the different climates. These apes began to move further and further from the trees, eventually becoming bipedal plain-dwellers after millions of years of evolution.

    These plain-dwellers greatly diversified, to carve out different niches. They eventually made the transition from ape to prehistoric human, chiefly with the known species of Australopithecus, who possessed human and ape-like characteristics.

    Once food became scarce, or harder to obtain by our ancestors, evolution kicked in and began to develop their brains. As found in Homo Habilis, the brain mass was greatly increased. They were also the first of our late cousins to create and use tools, probably as a means to obtain food and kill predators.

    This became such an ingenious creation, that it kept evolving. The later evolutions developed greater and greater cranial capacity, eventually harnessing fire, and developing the elusive ability of imagination, probably with the development of the cerebellum.

    In a few more million years, here we are, most likely the smartest creature on our planet.

    So, in short, monkeys aren't smarter than us. The smartest ape ever recorded was a chimpanzee, who had the knowledge of a second grader, and could play the piano pretty well.

  5. A monkey would know the difference between thEn and thAn, you don't seem to

  6. well there not, they tecninickly dnt have a silvellsation and they don't talk. sum use sign lengige 4 humans but they were taught by humans. sum ppl believe we were evoled by monkeys... which in my opion is wrong, but they arn't smater then humans 4 humans r the smatest creators on earth =]

  7. You really have no understanding of evolution.  Start by reading the Wikipedia entry on it.

    Apes and Humans have a common ancestor somewhere quite a ways back.

    There were many species of early "Humans" which eventually either died out on their own or evolved into homo sapiens, which are us.  These early humans were probably similar in intelligence to apes, and gradually more and more intelligent.  

    Monkeys are not smarter than us.  The idea of evolution is that as a species evolves it does so to improve.  We are the pinnacle of evolution at the moment.  Therefore, we are smarter than any other species on Earth.

    Hopefully that's enough for you to get a better idea of things.

  8. Monkey

  9. Because they can hide that they are smart. We don't do that and look at humanity. :( Well, I wouldn't call THAT smart.

  10. maybe they are more evolutionized then we were at that point

  11. Well.  

    I haven't heard anything about monkey being smarter than us.  I have heard that their DNA so closely resembles human DNA that it is almost identical, and that it is very possible that we were on the same evolutionary tree and just took different branches - that we evolved together, but not as one species.  We are related but not directly (parent to child to parent to child) as you have implied.  

    I have never heard a scientist or anyone who supports this theory say that we "are monkeys".  

    Seriously, as well, if you are going to ridicule the notion that people "are monkeys", then maybe your question should be phrased in a more intelligent fashion.  You certaintly had ME convinced that at least one of us directly linked.

  12. Rob B. has this question all figured out.

    And they don't spend a thousand or more on beauty treatments yearly, or other material objects that really shouldn't matter but do because we are selfish judgmental human beings.

  13. And some people claim that 50 monkeys with keyboards could produce a literate sentence.

    If the above is the standard, then I am starting to think that may be true.

  14. People did not decend from apes..... Apes and Men have a common ancestor. And if you go far enough back every living thing on earth had a common ancestor. I think a further study of the theory of evolution would answer this question for you.

  15. Well, just look at George Bush. LOL!!!!!!!!

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