
How rare is a false positive pregnancy test?

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I was on Lupron Depot monthly for three months, my last shot was June 14th. I have been waiting on my period to start, had a little cramping, headache, backaches... all that lovely stuff. There was some bleeding after s*x the other night, was slightly pink the next day and brown ever since. Odd thing is I have had heartburn and gas like crazy for four days and my nipples, not my b*****s, hurt something awful. Today I went to my mother's house and she kept looking at me so strangely and suddenly said she thought I was pregnant. That I looked pregnant! Haven't heard that one before! I got a test and there was a very, very faint blue line that got darker and darker, well past the time. Anyone relate and help with this? I will be taking another test first thing in the morning.... my head is spinning....




  1. Never happens.... Positive is positive

  2. i am not a medical professional, but i do have a friend who has tested 2 times in the last 7 years and gotten a false positive because of the medications she was on. i am not sure what med it was, but you should definitely call your doctor and they can do a blood test to confirm or deny pregnancy and make sure you are ok. Hope that helps a little. God Luck!

  3. the only way a "false positive" shows up is if you were pregnant and already miscarried. that is how i got mine. went to the docs and tested my blood... they said i probably already miscarried cause i started two days later. it is rough but i get the feeling you are pregnant. if you need any more advice you can email me at let me know what you find out!!!!

  4. Unfortunately, false positives are a LOT more rare than a false negative.

    Children can be a blessing though, and I believe you will grow to love being a parent.

  5. no such thing as a false positive

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