
How rare is someone like Tim Russert in the media today? Especially in politics?

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"Meet the Press" will never be the same again. Russert was fair and never took sides. If you watched him, he wasn't like the people on Fox News or some of the barking liberals on CNN. He was a true journalist.




  1. he was an extremely rare gem.  and he will be extremely, greatly missed.

  2. My Sundays will never be the same.  It's so strange how much you take things for granted.  He was so unassuming, yet everything he did had such an emormous impact... I'm going to miss him.

  3. on a scale from one to ten ... i dont know

  4. Russert was a diamond in the cesspool of what qualifies for 'journalism' these days. His objectivity, balance, fairness and intelligence was beyond the comprehension of most TV mouthpieces who try to pass themselves off as legitimate members of the Fourth Estate.

    Russert understood the intense responsibility of his job. Unlike most of the blather-mouths on TV today, Russert was an outstanding example of integrity and credibility. Too bad the propagandists like Limbaugh and Hannity didn't take lessons from Tim's school of honor. Russert knew how to swim in a pool of shark-infested waters; now all we have left is the scum that so desperately clings to the bottom of the pool.   -RKO-  06/16/08

  5. Very rare.  Michael Savage might be the only unbiased media personality left.

  6. We will always have sundays. but they wont be the same without Tim.

  7. Too rare.  Russert never took cheap shots, but he wouldn't back off from legitimate questions.  He was the only one who asked the follow-up questions I'd ask myself.  He was very tough but very fair.

    I agree too many media talking heads have agendas and press certain viewpoints.  I'm afraid that Meet the Press' ratings may slip because of Russert's death, raising ratings for more biased shows, which will pressure Meet the Press to also become more pointed and opinion-based.

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