
How rational are humans?

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This isn't incomplete. This is a straight forward, rational or not reational question.




  1. Most humans aren't rational at all. probably about 80-95% of humans are NOT rational; and the other 20-5% ARE. The Reason being that most humans aren't rational is because most humans let their better selfs get the best of them. People are ignorant, pompous beings. Most people let their emotions control them; without using logical thinking.    

  2. All people are capable of living a life of reason, but only a minority in interested in trying.

    At any juncture, you have a choice to exercise reason, or to not do so. It isn't automatic. Most forego reason in favor of whatever unsubstantiated rumor or vague saying pops into their head at the moment.

    Any rational person can slip into a life irrationality. Any irrational person can become rational. It's a matter of making the conscious effort to excercise our conceptual minds to their fullest capacity.

  3. No too unfortunately.

  4. Compared to what?

    Rocks? Birds? Other mammals?

  5. The herd instinct still holds sway over the majority of people. Yes, even philosophers ._. Wherever there is hostility to something new, there is herd instinct. The majority of people seem [at least to me] to think they are rational purely in virtue of their being human; which is entirely false. Humans aren't born rational; in much the same manner that they are not born with the possession of intrinsically good properties. But what is the value of rationality itself? Excessive rationality leads only to folly.  

  6. While scientists assert that Species Homo is a reasoning animal, it is not true that all humans do, in fact, reason.

    Interested in creating a duologue?

  7. what a rational question..!!

  8. We're not. Trust me on this one.

  9. The question is incomplete.

    Rational is exercising the ability to reason. A sound mind; sane.  Consistent with or based on reason, logical.

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