
How realistic is it for someone from a small town to go to the olympics?

by  |  earlier

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i want to compete in the 2016 or 2020 im 16




  1. many are from small towns.

  2. it happens all the time. keep working hard and try to become the best at your event but you will have to make many sacrifices and may be seen as a weirdo for awhile but once you start to win and create a buzz about your ability, people will begin to respect your skill.

  3. Know of people from very small town that made last Summer's Olympic Gymnastics  Team so it is possible. Factors to consider: your basic ability in sport you like, amount of time your willing to devote, and unfortunately amount of money you have for high power connected trainers that run training faculties. If you have superior ability you might not need last condition, but it would help. If your going to college you could try out for their squad in area of interest. There is 44 year old man going to be elected President soon who points to what is possible with ability and determination.  

  4. it is not realistic B)

  5. If you can realistically beat anyone and everyone within a 1000

    mile radius of your small town, then maybe.

  6. i want to go when i am older 2. i am from a very small town and i want to go!

  7. My friend, it is very realistic for someone, like you, from a mall in the US to go the Olympics, if you set you mind to it.

    Good luck

  8. There are quite a few on the Australian Olympic team from small towns. One cyclist said her parents would drive her 600km or so to get to training as a kid. I suppose it just takes that little bit more effort and dedication if you need to commute but it's definitley realistic if you really want it.

  9. many of them work for home depot.

  10. depends what you want to do but it is realistic.  gymnastics would be out of the question for you though.

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