
How realistic is this scenario for America's end?

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I've seen how a lot of places with smaller more localized governments like Germany have been able to advance farther in the field of alternative fuels, etc. They have nothing to gain from s******g citizens like the honchos in the USA. I don't think its unfair to belief that until big oil can take buy out hydrogen technology, we we'll be running on high priced gas til the national supply runs dry.

Let's say the rest of the world or most of it figures out the clean gas while the US stays where we are and this continues til we have no more gas. The economy would be destroyed, most people wouldnt have the money to afford imported alternative cars and even if they did the hydrogen electricity stations wouldnt be inplace.

Then the ultimately irony would come when people have to leave America for countries running green and we have to immigrate into Mexico to get to S.America and WE are the ones being persecuted and rejected. How realistic is this future? What will prevent it?




  1. I think it is somewhat realistic since Americans tend to live in a state of vehement denial and live in the moment while Europeans do not.  I am a first generation American with parents from Germany so I may be a bit biased however.

    Personally I want America to stay on top and hope we will snap out of it!

  2. I agree we have electric cars that run as efficient as their gas counterparts where would people charge them up in a tight situation. The same goes for advanced hho or hydrogen vehicles would the USA establish these stations to refill the fuel or hho converted water. I mean they have cars that can run on water hydrogen and electricity this technology either combined or rengineered are the future and the future is right now. What do oil company's do with their profit? Do they buy yachts throw huge parties?? Whats the point the of profit if it negate's any form of technological progress. Its a means to an end it like digging a hole filled with limited material and forcing people to buy this material until its gone then what the h**l is the point of that!

  3. Your Left propaganda is the reason we have this problem. The Democrats will delay the drilling every way they can ,so that we will buy our oil from our Enemy... If U want to U can walk but I can  not.

  4. I heard a fact yesterday.  During world war two, Germany took over Europe with almost no oil.  None.  Their entire war effort ran on coal.  With 1930's technology, they were able to process coal into a fuel to run engines.  Today, i think we at least have 21 century technology.

    There is enough coal in West Virginia to run the USA for 150 years.  It is called sim fuel (look it up)

    There is enough shale oil out west, to run this country for another 100-200 years and 5 dollar gas makes it worth while to make now.

    Plus, for years now, oil has been found in the US and off our coasts and for the most part it is drilled and capped and then saved.  You don't really believe we are not drilling in Anwar because of our fear for the you?

    We are burning the Arabs oil until it runs out.  Then we will start using ours.  And then the Arabs will pay us back all our money....for wheat and water.

    So, i would say that your idea, has little chance of occurring.

    it's further not farther

  5. More realistic than maybe people realize.  I asked this question a while back.  The answers were optimistic and encouraging.  Lets hope for the best.;...

  6. about as unrealistic as it gets if you ask me. People need to understand that for now alternative fuels are not the solution. What we need for now is more drilling sites(less restrictions, taxes) we need to be completely self reliant on our own fuel so we dont have to put up with supply and demand of the world. That is what is causing the high prices which i know is going to upset some left sided liberal robots who would very much like to believe it is big oil. No oil will not last us forever as a viable energy source but forever is a long time and for now we need to concentrate firstly on new technologies to extract oil and secondly in advancing alternative fuel technologies for in the future when when oil becomes unreliable we can turn over to alternative fuels which wont be for hundreds of years(considering that there is enough oil in the western slope of Colorado alone to sustain the US's supply for over 50 years. So lets focus on lowering gas prices now instead of rushing undeveloped technology into place.

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