I've seen how a lot of places with smaller more localized governments like Germany have been able to advance farther in the field of alternative fuels, etc. They have nothing to gain from s******g citizens like the honchos in the USA. I don't think its unfair to belief that until big oil can take buy out hydrogen technology, we we'll be running on high priced gas til the national supply runs dry.
Let's say the rest of the world or most of it figures out the clean gas while the US stays where we are and this continues til we have no more gas. The economy would be destroyed, most people wouldnt have the money to afford imported alternative cars and even if they did the hydrogen electricity stations wouldnt be inplace.
Then the ultimately irony would come when people have to leave America for countries running green and we have to immigrate into Mexico to get to S.America and WE are the ones being persecuted and rejected. How realistic is this future? What will prevent it?