
How reasonable and necessary is political correctness?

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Has this been the case in the past ?




  1. UNreasonable and UNcorrect.

    We are made to fight each other.

    We life in an overstimulated Society.

    Under permanent bombardment of Sexual stimulation.

    But yet Sexuality is supressed and/or perverted.

    We life in a truly carbon copy of George Orwell's "1984" Dream.

    A dream he shares with Albert Pike, the Founder of the Ku Klux Klan.

    A Dream he shares with the "Freemasons" the "Brotherhood of death" of which both Orwell and Pike were high ranking ones.

    As pike and Orwell pointet out:

    We need threee world wars to put this planet under one dictatorship.

    Two have gone and the people are so scared that they just obey whatever those scumsuckers say.

    So to fully answer your Question:

    PC is a smokescreen for people to put you down.

    PC is wanted by the people without PC.

    People with dubious questionable morals like the "Freemasons" use PC to hide behind.

    PC is nothing but "Anti Freedom of Speach"!

    It is the Blueprint for a Dictatorship.

    Just like this:

    When I was in school my teacher beat me up because I questioned the existanze of God.

    So PC is just that: A lot of Bollocks!

  2. the country has gone mad with political correctness.......

    we cannot move, cannot say anything that can be taken out of context by some politically correct do gooder..... the u.k has become an embarresment and a laughing stock because of it, and the cronnies who obide by it!

    rant over, im sorry!

  3. It's simple: if something is "correct," it is right. If you have to use an adjective (such as "politically"), then you're saying that it's no longer "correct" -- that it is, in fact, wrong.

    So, "politically correct" means it's wrong, but we're expected to do it, to keep from ticking someone off. Someone who's wrong...

  4. i don't think it's that reasonable, making kids sing Ba Ba grey sheep rather than black sheep is insane

  5. That depends how you define it.  Basically it makers sense but some do stretch it rather.

  6. Very to both parts. Shoes progressive thinking, education, intelligence, tolerance anf refinement.

  7. Both are neither!!!

  8. I think the whole PC movement is a little ridiculous to be honest.

    If people just tried to be respectful and civil to each other, and if they didn't get offended by every little petty perceived slight, the world would be a much nicer place, in my opinion.

    My main rule in life is to respect others and be polite to them.  And, I am a very difficult person to offend - if someone is rude to me, I just do my best to ignore it rather than getting offended and wallowing in angst.  If people would just do this, then PC would be unnecessary.

  9. it is totally insane!! like the fools that thought it up. these are people who criticise you for calling a 'black man'.... black. but are quite happy to with hold treatment for aids and condemn millions to an agonised death because they cant pay!!!....what a crock of sh*t. like Tony Blair who said "and i quote" i will not tolerate racism against middle eastern far hes deliberate lies and deception has killed four hundred thousand!!! innocent men women and children!! (all of them middle eastern.)

  10. 'Political correctness' should be renamed 'Political censorship'. It is nothing more than a way of trying to use the politics of guilt and blame to silence someone whose view their opponent doesn't share, i.e. all right-wingers are n***s and all lefties are loonies.

  11. It's a useful tool for helping elitist nerds put ordinary people in court for innocent remarks and comments. It helps irrational extremists spout their poison on our streets and it stifles debate and crushes freedom. The PC brigade are a scourge, sadly there is a whole generation growing up now who don't know any different and think it's a 'progressive' way forward, when in reality anything that stops people speaking the truth, however it may offend some elements of society, is inherently negative.

  12. Totally unreasonable and unnecessary.

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