
How receptive are girls from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil to men from the United States?

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I am moving to Rio for about 6 months and staying near Copacabana and Ipanema. How receptive are the girls to American men? I am 22 and great looking. I don't speak much portuguese at all but I will learn. I know that in some countries, girls flock to "Americans". I know that American is an improper term, but I would like to know if these girls will be interested? I know, I am good looking, I know I can impress a girl with my "game". I also know it is looked down upon in some countries to date a foreigner or hang out with a foreigner. Will these girls get hated on for talking to me? Will my friend and I stick out in a crowd if we are white and have Polo on and dress nice? Will the girls come to us or will we have to initiate conversation? Will the girls have a special interest just because of our nationality? Thanks guys!




  1. Stobal pretty much summed it up for you....Brazilians idolize Americans, so no worries there....just be careful and follow pretty much what Stobal said, he hit it right on the nose...Have a Great Trip and a Safe one too...

  2. I am a single male 30 y.o., and I just got back from Rio a couple of weeks ago.  Brazillian women are very receptive to American Men.  However, if they approach you, are dark skinned, and don't speak much English, odds are that they are a prostitute.  You, not them, will be discriminated against at classy places if you are a gringo with a dark brazillian because they will assume you are a john with a hooker.  If a prostitute is what your looking for, you do not have to look far because they are everywhere in Copacabana and Leme.  Hang out at the Balcony Bar, this is a popular hook-up joint for johns and prostitutes which is right next door to a strip club.    

    If you are looking for a nice clean girl, there are plenty of them too, most of them tourists from within Brazil or Argentina.  Most South Americans idolize everything American, so you will need no game here.  Hang out at some of the trendy clubs in Ipanema or Leblon and look for a girl that speaks English.  English speakers are in much demand by employers in South America, so English speakers are usually in the upper class and do not have to prostitute.  A lot of these girls are tourists themselves and are looking for a good time just like you.  

    To avoid being a target of street hustlers, it is best to dress down and at least try to blend in with the locals, especially if you leave the touristy south area of the city.  Rio has been a very dangerous city lately.  The day I left, a tour bus full of British tourists was highjacked by masked men carrying machine guns and hand grenades.  They beat up the passengers and stole all of their luggage.  Do not carry large sums of cash, jewlery, or cameras if you do not need them.  Rio is a very cheap town for entertainment, so I would never hit the streets with more that $600 Reais on you, this equals approximatly $280.  This is more than enough money for you to do pretty much anything you want.

  3. As long as you pay them in a hard currency, such as the dollar, I'm sure they will be most receptive!!!  Good luck in Rio!!!!!

  4. Well Brasilians in general do some trash talking about the US. but in practice they love to meet an American man.

    It shouldn't be to hard to meet women just go out, try to engage in conversation with some. In some cases you might have to start conversation while some cases they might go talk to you. Now in case you do score a lady, careful as some Brasilian women like to get pregnant from American men, as they believe they will marry them and take them to the US. And in any case just wear a condom it's a very normal thing here. Ah and if your on the street late at night try to act the least American as possible. As most if not all Brasilian's believe American are rich so your pretty likely to get mugged, especially in Rio.

  5. Dont worry abut it there are plenty just be careful some of them might take you to a certain place and then thieves will show and kill you. Be very careful the crime rate is so high with tourist.

  6. You will not stick out in a crowd if you are white and wearing polo shirts - plenty of guys, especially in the South of Brazil that have this look and are Brazilian.  Personally, I think that Brazilians are great dressers and go for the European look more than the conservative look.  I don't gravitate towards polo shirts, but a lot of Brazilian girls might.  You will need to find out where the cool people hang out - towns, restaurants, bars. The popular hang outs change often and will have a very different mix of people than what you see out on the streets. There is little discrimination in Brazil against any culture.  They are a little put off with the American politics right now, but it is geared towards the government, not the people.  Americans are seen as naive and lacking in their knowledge of different cultures around the world, but some think this is endearing.  A lot of Brazilians speak English and have been exposed to guys like you - they are ready for you!!  You will have a great time!  Girls will approach you and will also be receptive to your advances, but they are very familiar with all kinds of games guys play - so even though they play along, don't think they won't know what you are up to.  

    Have fun-

  7. Agree with Stobal but might add that think that your best bet is trying to hookup with brazilians and argentines on vacation like that part of Rio Many beautiful brazilian women come from all parts of Brazil to Rio to become whores. You might be with them for 2 3 hours drinking and partying and still not know it. The one way to know is when they order food and drinks. Usually the most expensive like shrimp, absolute vodka, and expensive drinks

        I still met a great girl there even after being fooled a number of times by others

  8. Dont worry. You will pull more girls than you know what to do with. Have a great time.

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