
How refreshing was it to see The GB rugby League team beat the Kiwi's at the weekend?

by  |  earlier

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Especially with some decent tries not just a load of penalties like the previous week's snore fest of a World Cup Final.

Looking forward to the next 2 tests!




  1. Oz beat em 58-0 at new Zealand with NZ having a much better team then which is playing over in GB right now. So your dreaming m8 if u think GB will beat OZ in OZ. If new Zealand  had there good players GB would get hammered, NZ have aswome players

  2. Most people on here don`t know.....Duh, this is Rugby Question section....ask in League.

  3. leave it to the RL boys to restore pride and passion in the flag, well at least until we go in to the decider at 1-1, and then get beat, happens every time unfortunately, still at least its fantastic to watch

  4. Yeah, I am hoping for a few head high tackles from the Kiwis, to see how unbiased the judiciary will be then.

  5. Couldn't give a shot. Refreshing to how many spectators?

  6. Don't get over excited, it was only the Kiwis....wait until they beat the Kangaroos...then you'll have something to boast about.

  7. You cant compare League and union they are 2 different games,But i do agree that the league game was better to watch

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