
How reliable is Netflix??

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I;m thinking about getting Netflix but i want a second opinion...if you have it or have had it worth it to get it or should i just stick with renting movies at blockbuster??




  1. I love Netflix. You always get your movies in the three day period.  

  2. I haven't used Netflix but my parents have and it's been great! However, there are some movies that skip. I wouldn't worry about it though.

  3. I have used Netflix for two years and never have had any problems with it. They have a great selection of movies to choose from and the DVD arrives at its destination in 3 to 5 days.

  4. I have had Netflix for a while and they are fantastic!  They had some shipping issues with their computer or whatever (first one in I don't know how long) and gave me 15% off my month's fee--point is they take care of you.  Other than that one instance, shipping is always quick.  Netflix is great and I highly recommend them.

  5. i use it and i belive it is very reliable i reccomned you use it.

  6. I hate netflix!!! They were great like the first month I had them, then everything went downhill. They started taking forever to send me the movies  I emailed them about it and they told me my local distribution center was "overloaded" and other distribution centers were picking up the slack for it. Whatever. I continued service with them for a few more months and it got worse and worse. I finally got so pissed off I switched to Blockbuster Online. I like them a lot better I always get my movies on time. I can return them to the store and I get a few in-store rentals a month for the movies I don't want to way to see. Its so much nicer and I pay the same as I did with Netflix. I started up with them through a coupon offer here when I was reviewing other rental services after I got fed up with netflix's customer service.

    My advice,  don't waste any more of your money with them. They're a rip off!

  7. I definately love using it! very reliable!

  8. OMG I LOVE Netflix! Way better than the blockbuster option--even the blockbuster version of Netflix. With Netflix, you can line up hundreds of movies and they'll send them to you as you send yours back. It usually only takes me two or three days to get a new movie. Also, if you want to rent a multiple disc series, you can choose which discs you want and in what order. On Netflix, let's say you wanted to rent Season 1 of FRIENDS, Airplane, When Harry Met Sally, and Knocked Up. You can arrange them in your queue however you want. For example:

    Disc 1 Friends

    When Harry Met Sally


    Disc 2 Friends

    Disc 4 Friends

    Knocked Up

    Disc 3 Friends

    With Blockbuster online, if you want to rent a season, you have to rent each disc in order and you can't interrupt the order. So, if you have the 3 at a time plan, you'll have all 3 discs of Friends and you can't get any of your other movie options.

    I say, go with Netflix!  

  9. Blockbuster has an online thing basically identical to Netflix, except that they let you take a movie you received in the mail and trade it in for a free rental (with limited exceptions on titles) twice a month I think, which gives blockbuster the edge. Blockbuster also has stores and is a touch cheaper I think.

  10. I've always loved Netflix...had it since Feb. Never had a prob. till last few weeks...they weren't sending out movies or something. I cancelled my account and am trying to find out if they got it fixed. I will sign up again as soon as I find out. I do the 3 at a time deal.

  11. Netflix is pretty reliable.  However, it seems as if after a period of six months, the movies started getting staggered, meaning that they came a little bit less often than they usually did.  I'm not sure how that happened though.  Netflix is way better than renting movies though... pretty simple and a HUGE selection of movies.  

  12. We've had Netflix for a couple months now and love it! I've only had one DVD have a glitch in it that made it skip a couple minutes, but other than that everything has worked great! Sometimes it takes a few days to receive your next DVD (especially if you mail in one on a Friday night), so I would suggest signing up for the 3 at a time plan.  That way you have more than one DVD to watch while you wait for the other DVDs on your queue to come!

  13. netflix is the bomb..  we have had it for about a year  the service is very fast where i live.. they are adding more warehouses all the time.  i usually have my movies in about 24 hours.  the only problem is if i send my movies out on friday it seems to take more time to get them back.  so now i just make sure i don't wait til friday.  their website is great.  you can even reserve movies that have not been released yet.  i love it.  no late fees that is what i like.  i have the program that limits me to three movies so a soon as i watch one i send it back and that has worked out great.

  14. i think its great, they have a much larger inventory...other than the one problem they had last week in the year I have had them they never had a problem..they really are good, its no hassle you put the films in a pre paid envelope/  Id recommend them

  15. My Mom loves watching moves. I got her a Netflix subscripton for Christmas a couple of years ago and she continues to renew it. She is very happy with their service in general. Her one complaint is that they sometimes delay her shipments if she watches too many movies over a short period of time.


    GO 2

  17. netflix is amazing, do not think twice about getting it, it is awesome!

  18. I love Netflix!  My dad was very wary of joining but because I am such a movie buff, he joined in order to save money.  He now gets more movies that I do.   They have great movies that are really hard to find.

  19. it is very reliable.  I use it, and its worth it.  The movies get there in a short amount of time, and i've never had any trouble with them being scratched or anything.  Oh, jeeze, i sound like a salesperson or something.  hope this helps!

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