
How religious can your college essay be?

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  1. they like lots of different looks on essays..


  2. Are you serious?

  3. depends on the subject of the paper, but, ideally, as religious as you want. however, going very religious on a paper about horses is not very appropriate.  

  4. not so much..;)

  5. is it a religious school? just dont say anything like "and thats why you all are going to h**l, amen."

  6. If really depends.  If it's a religion class, they'll be expecting it.  If it's a science class, it's simply not appropriate.  But any research essay will involve you backing up your position, and 'god said it so I believe it' is not considered an argument.  When in doubt, take it to your college writing center for advice - most colleges have one where they will read your essay and help you fix it for free.

  7. Make sure you don't say anything about Allah.

    Bin Laden will take it the wrong way.

    Well, as long as you don't publish it on the internet.

  8. Are you talking about an essay for a particular class, or your application essay/personal statement?

    If it's your application essay for a public or other non-religious college, I don't see anything wrong with expressing how your faith is an important part of your life. However, the application essay is where you really want to impress upon admissions your desire to learn about the world around you and grow as a person (which  is the whole point of going to college).


  9. As religious as you want. Its college. This is when your freedom of speech actually affects you.

    Its lame that in public schools people cant have really anything to do with religious stuff.

  10. Unless you're attending a religious college or your class is a religious class, I would say keep it to a minimal, because the majority does not think religion belongs in a professional setting like that.  

  11. Well a. personally I can´t use religion in a essay in the school. In my country the education is laic, this mean that is not religious and can´t be religious, at least public education. If I use some religious facts maybe the teacher will tell that I am creating distraction about the main theme, the classmate could laugh etc etc.

    I saw a classmate in the preparatory that has talking about religion in a chemistry exposition and all the class room has laughing, because he didn´t knew anything about the real theme.

    By the way, I think that good title for a essay can be "why all you are going to the h**l" or "Why all you can be going to the h**l, new essay about Mexican politic parties".

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