
How right wing is USA?

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testing the knowledge of USA... and if you look it up on google you suck... btw if you guys can't answer these questions in a snap then you suck because you guys live in USA

1)How right wing is USA

a) totally right wing with no gov't intervention

b) partially right wing (intervenes in economy continuously with as little effect on economy)

c) partially right wing (neo-conservative, does have intervention, but as minimal as possible)

d) partially right wing (only intervenes in state of emergency)

2)what does the USA's economy operate on?

3)how did the american economy recover on the stock market crash? and why?

4)Why is true capitalism an epic fail? (i know communism is an epic fail too but at this point i just want to diss you guys)

5)I live in a welfare capitalist state... define my country....

6) why was the world in a recession/depression in the year 1929?

7) why was the USA seen to be in isolation?

8) How did the USA join WW1 and WW2? and why?

i'll give the answers in 1/2 days.




  1. The answers are as follows; 1.-B. 2.-Consumption 3- Escalation of Capital due to WWII. 4-It hasn't failed, it was abandoned during the stock market crash. 5-U.S.A. 6-Cheap money, sound familiar? Credit was everywhere, people spent much more than they had, notes came due, no savings, crash! Simplistic I know, but your questions are flip and deserve a flip answer.  7-Failure to engage in the war over Europe, lend-lease notwithstanding. 8-As an Ally, WWI is impossible to say. Most likely reason? Unrestricted Submarine Warfare by the Germans, WWII Pearl Harbor. You are obviously a Keynesian/Marxist. Remember this, the Keynesian idea of tightening the money supply exacerbated the depression. No economist of any reputation believes otherwise. Friedman's trickle down economic models were derived from the free market capital investments that revived the American economy in 1939 and would rescue the American economy from a mild downturn in 1961 and a much more serious recession in 1980. The Keynesian model is necessary due to the inextricable government ensnarement the New Deal placed on our economic model, regardless, Friedman's trickle down proves definitively that free markets are the answer to the governments ills.  

  2. I see James is up to his old tricks of typing lengthy, vapid answers. The US is led by a totally right-wing govt in Bush/Cheney/Rice.  Most of the influence came from PNAC and the Wolfowitz crowd.  Look up PNAC.  Mercifully most of the PNAC crowd ended up in disgrace or in jail.  I speak of Libby and Abramowitz, et al.

  3. 1) What we know as right-wing and what is really right wing are two totally different things. Most conservatives (aka neo-cons) are actually more liberal than the liberals themselves.

    2) the US economy operates on the consumption of the people (primarily the middle class) and the export of goods and services.

    3) World War 2  provided an economic jump start as the government pumped trillions of dollars into the economy by having peace-time industries and factories retool to make the wares of war.

    4) True capitalism is not an epic fail What we see today is not true capitalism. The government has far too much influence and intervention into our economy and private industry to call this true capitalism.

    5) A sham. A true capitalist state does not participate in enough public welfare (sponsored by the government) to be called a true capitalist state.

    6) Too many factors to be named. In fact, many experts still disagree on the exact causes. We do know for sure that natural disaster, famine and dropping international trade did play key roles in the Depression.

    7) The US is no longer seen as an isolationist. We get too involved in too many other nations' messes. In the early half of the 20th century, we were called isolationists because of our unwillingness to participate in both World Wars.

    8) The US entered WW1 because the Central Powers (mostly Germany) started sinking American merhchant ships bound to trade with England. We joined WW2 when Japan began attacking US bases in the Pacific (most notably in the Phillipeans, Pearl Harbor and Guam). We began fighting Germany because US shipping was being attacked by German U-boats and Germany declared war on us (Birttan was our ally and Japan was Germany's ally).

    I have an inkiling that you will disagree with me on most (if not all) of these and I will have little to no chance of getting the best answer (unless this goes to a vote).

  4. 1. B

    2. Consumption of Oil

    3. The war. FDR's economic polices of the New Deal prolonged the depression.

    4. Capitalism doesn't have to be a failure. As long as the services being provided are needed/wanted by the masses, the company providing those services will thrive.

    5. The government gets in the way of the free market in order to try to "protect" the lower class when truly all it does is reward bad behavior and punish good behavior (like the US).

    6. Who knows. Value of money dropped.

    7. We tried to stay Neutral in both Word Wars.

    8. WW1- German U-boat attacked and sank a US luxury liner. We joined the war after that.

    WW2- Pearl Harbor. Need I say more
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