
How risky is it to bring a small amount of marijuana on a domestic flight?

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I'm not talking about trafficking or anything, just a very small amount. In light of terror threats is marijuana even a concern for airport security (especially all those scary dogs)?




  1. Pot is not likely to cause a plane to crash. But anyone who handles pot, as to pack it in a zip lock bag, is going to have enough scent on them to excite a dog trained to detect it.

    Even washing the bag after packing is not enough to ensure it is not detected. What people often fail to think of is that dogs are picking up the scent from the person, not just the package, and the person who has been using is the person likely to be searched.

    So, for a user, the risk is fairly high even with a washed package.

  2. Go an idiot....go for it.

    But please do come back on this forum and let us know what the inside of the jail and what the court fees are like.  

    It's a big risk.  I wouldn't even try bringing a single doobie.

  3. It's a good way to see the inside of the airport "holding" cell. While they are mostly concerned with terrorism they make drug busts all the time. They are easier to find (a lot of people smoke pot, very few carry bombs) and can make a big deal about "stopping the bad guys".

    Leave the pot at home, enjoy it when you get back.

  4. If you keep it in your pocket, it should be fine.

  5. Do you really want to risk getting arrested and ruining whatever trip you're going on over a "small amount of mj"?? When you could just as easily get "a small amount" on the other end of your flight. My opinion-it is really not worth the risk.

  6. very risky. the dogs at the airport can smell the stuff. they are trained to do so. So if they find some on you, you will get a misdemeanor and pay a fine. Just leave the stuff at home unless the MJ is for medical use and you have proof that you are allowed to carry the stuff.  

  7. How much is a small ammount? An eighth would probably be too much. But a joint or two carefully hidden would probably be ok. As far as dogs go they're trained to detect one thing. For example, a bomb dog is trained to smell only those componets, etc. Ofcourse there's going to be a risk. But, I've traveled with it and been fine. I have found its easier to hide it in your checked baggage than carrying it with you. Good luck!

  8. if it is just a little bit if you are caught yopu get a fine i think its a fine of 50 pound then you get fined 10 pound for every gram you have got

  9. I think no matter what the amount is, it's still very risky. if you get caught, there will be severe consequences.

    I would suggest not bringing any

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