
How s the social structure and behavior of primates simliar to humnas?

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How s the social structure and behavior of primates simliar to humnas?




  1. The formation of dominant groups, the use of violence to gain power and dominance, the development of bands to defend the group and to gang up on individuals, a lot of power politics form in primate groups, particularly observed in Baboon studies.

  2. Humans are primate

  3. Humans are primates.

  4. This is a question I often ask myself when reading genetic research.  Yes, there are some base similarities.  But, humans have a whole social influence.  And yes primates can learn to adapt...i read a story about a group who learned to pick out sticks and sharpen the edges to go hunting.  I even saw a clip of a gorilla smoking a cigarette on the Internet.  Yes, their is an intelligence, however, primates are still in survival mode.  We as humans are on another dimension. We have an abundance of complex socially inherited traits that react with each other.  Such as tradition and language which I am sure primates also have. Humans can learn many languages, a primate can only speak his one tongue.

    p.s. rats and fruit fly's also do not make good research to analyze human behavior.

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