
How sad can you get?

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a simple minded person calling themselves mars cats pineapple asked the question and i quote "how can the British people get rid of there Monarchy" I answered it with my opinion and what did i get 2 abusive emails from them




  1. shake it off.... you have a right to your opinion- even if others don't like it.

  2. Don't worry about them.  They are idiots who can't say something constructive if it's not negative

  3. I agree.  This is a rant.

  4. block them...some people cant take others opinions

  5. block them pathetic to email someone just because you have a different point of view

  6. wow, this is the first time i have been to the royalty page. you guys are pretty full on. might go back to religion, much less serious. couldn't grasp the question part on that one. but i guess abusive e-mails are really, so not called for.

  7. You did not answer the do we get rid of the obnoxious money grabbing royal family?

  8. Nothing bothers a   Leader   -----  Should be Our case .

  9. did they get any good ideas in response, I have a few maybe you can pass them on for me....

  10. People who video the registration numbers of stationary lorries in filling stations are pretty sad.

    Bus 'enthusiasts' who photograph the same bus over and over because it has a different destination showing on the front are also quite sad.  

    Or people like mars cats pineapple who think that the internet is a sensible place to explore that topic . Best place? The pub or parliament probably.

    Or,no offence intended, people who engage with such people.

    Or did you mean sad-unhappy?

    I guess suicides of any sort must be the saddest.

    But I am a very cheery sort of person curious to know what's going to happen next.  Is that sad?

    Sally Forth

  11. Pity them!

  12. Report them and then block.

  13. Hi!

    Obviously they are VERY SAD.

    I though your answer was spot on.

    They're obviously uneducated, their mis-spelling of the very basic 'there' is a dead give away!!

    You rock on girl!!

  14. Your answer was correct.Do not worry.I think there is also a little blame to be put on Britain government also.I know most of the foriegn nationals in Britan do not like britain or appreciate Britain.So the best thing is to stop pitying them and show them the doors.I also answered them the same way.It's their attitude and heart.

  15. Thats what you get for being pro establishment instead of being a normal person who supports the working class.

    You shouldn't be supporting those above your class because as the 'manx bike' you aint middle class thats for sure.

  16. JUST  reply to them and point out how ignorant they are  - they obviously cannot even SPELL WORDS let alone have an opinion -  i.e.  it is "their Monarchy"  not "there Monarchy" .

  17. Don't get too upset, they probably thought you meant like getting rid off as in making Britain a republic.  That is your opinion and you have a right to make it in  country which is more than ever trying to control every aspect of our lives.  Speak up, and don't be scared.

  18. That's because you are the saddo & an idiot. If you don't believe me go into your toilet and look in the mirror.

    You see I am right!!!

  19. Wow, that's not cool of them!
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