
How sad is it for the people who have herpes- they can't even KISS without worrying.?

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*sigh* i have herpes, but i dont want to kiss the man i love because i'm afraid of passing it on.




  1. well i wouldnt give a **** if the person i loved had herpes or not id still kiss her!i wouldnt care if i died or got sick as long as we really loved each other

  2. same here as does my bf (guess who i got herpes from). i do worry that i could give this to some one who doesn't have herpes. also i'm afraid of being rejected a lot if we break up about who would accept me for having herpes. 80 percent of the population has oral herpes weather it be fever blisters or cold sores so i predict that i will run into some one in the future that has herpes like me. but there are people who have never passed herpes on (either the oral type or the genital type) to their knowledge onto a partner. its all about timing and educating yourself when it comes to herpes. there are times when u are not as contagious as when u have an out break. also u should let your current and future partners know that u have herpes.

    just don't kiss him when u have a sore, symptoms of one or while its healing. wait a couple of days after the sore has healed then u will be less contagious and able to kiss him.

  3. You can still kiss someone, as long as you do not have cold sores (oral herpes). Cold sores can be passed on during oral s*x (which in turn gives the person genital herpes).

    And 1 in 4 people have it... so at some point in your dating life you will meet someone who has herpes as well.

    Go to Planned Parenthood to get more information on Herpes. Educating yourself is key.

  4. ok, first there's more than one type of herpes. If you have only the type which is on your lips/nose/etc like a cold sore, that's so common, I have it too. It's fine. But if you have the serious kind which shows up on other parts, then you're right.

  5. It's really sad and frustrating Im guessing I wldnt know but I wish you the best of luck!!

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