
How sad is this?

by Guest60200  |  earlier

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i work with emotionally disturbed, violent, inner-city youth. one day, i spent some time monitoring a youth in time-out. he wanted me to read his work to him, but i knew that he could read a little. i told him that i would help him, but not completely read it for him. he tried to argue and bargain his way out of it, but i refused to cave in. he had to do his work to earn his way back into class. he finally read and he only needed a little help. a few days later he thanked me. he said, "you showed me that i really can read if no one is going to laugh at me." i wanted to cry, but instead i thanked him in return and told him that i will always help him read and that i will never laugh at him. how sad is it that all he needed to try and read was someone who wouldn't laugh at him? i think there is something very wrong with our society when a child can't have a loving learning environment. don't you think that the least we can do is provide a safe haven in our schools?




  1. awhh, that's sad ):

    but that's sooo sweet that you helped him like that (: we need more pppl like thatt

  2. Too many youngsters don't have anyone at home to believe in them or encourage them.

  3. The problem is there are too many children and not enough caring individuals such as yourself. Because of this the children who really need help are being pushed through the "educational" system so rapidly that they don't get a chance to get help. This means some potentially brilliant individual students with minor learning disabilities are left destitute because simply stated;Nobody cared. God bless you for taking the time to care for just one of them and may God be with you for many more that need you.

  4. my heart goes out to these children who only needs love and reassurance that they are loved. parents should be more sensitive to their children's needs, a simple hug is such a big gesture. sometimes a simple kind word is all they need.

    parents should teach their children values such as empathy, compassion, caring. people can sometimes be cruel and insensitive. no wonder inspite of the riches of some societies, their people are dysfunctional. they are so engross with economics they forget about family and values.

  5. It's so unfortunate that kids can be so mean to their peers, but it's been like that for a long long time.  I remember going to school and suffering from extreme anxiety because we were forced to read aloud in class, and I was actually a STRONG reader.  It's amazing that no one has wisened up to the idea that maybe this isn't the thing to do.  Could you talk to the parents or day care provider to get him some reading time with them?  As he learns, his confidence can grow.  Good for you for doing right by this child.

  6. Well done on encouraging and empowering him to do his work, and for standing your ground on not reading for him.

    Its dreadfully cruel and unnecessary to laugh at some one for being able to read or write.

    I was unable to read at the age of 14 due to an undiagnosed learning disability, but thanks to the support of some like you (Mr Dean), I now love reading when I have the opportunity.

    I work with young people with disabilities both profound and mild, and some times we have to stand our ground and encourage and empower them to try for themselves, the look of pure amazement when they realize they can actually do some thing by themselves is just mind blowing, and are very grateful they were given the chance to prove them selves, and they can't wait to tell their parents or carer's.

    Keep up the grate work

  7. thats not sad, that made me smile. you did a good thing, keep up the good work!

  8. You have to remember that at home most of these kids have illiterate parents, they wont encourage reading at home because that would mean that they would have to help out. They don;t want to appear stupid to their kids so instead they laugh and tease and in the end the whole family loses out.
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