
How safe are airplanes??!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to washington with my friend

next summer and i am really scared about it

because i never been on as plane before

and 9/11 scared me so bad

i am wondering




  1. A whole lot safer than automobiles. Your chances of dying in a plane crash are a tiny fraction of the chance of dying in a car crash. No one has died in a plane crash  (commercial airline) in the US over the past year or so. On any given weekend in summer several hundred people die in automobile crashes. It is far more dangerous in a US city to drive to the airport once than it is to fly several cross country airline flights.

  2. I'm not sure.

    You can go to

  3. I am also scared I am going on a 9 hour flight to Egypt and then Isreal. Airplanes are safe though, even if we think they are not. Since 9/11 secrutiy has increased a lot. I doubt a high jacking will occur. They wont let you take any kind of weapons at all on the plane. If there was a high jacking the terrorists would have to use their fists. I am sure that wont work out to well, cause we will be the **** out of them.

  4. safe in less the plane crashes and burns in the see

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