
How safe are bicycle trailers?

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The other day, my boyfriend and I saw a cyclist with a trailer on the back carrying a small child.

How safe is that? It looks pretty dangerous to me.




  1. It's a pretty established market.  The good trailers have a roll bar and straps to hold the child(ren) in place.  My youngest son is always buckled in (and helmeted).   We also control where we go (I ride on country roads/city streets)-- only riding on residential streets or on the paved bike trail.

  2. Hello yes I use one and my daughter loves it. However, I prefer to use it mainly on cycle paths and if I use it on roads i only use quiet roads where there is not too much traffic. The danger is not so much from the thing tipping over, the worst would be minor scratches. The danger is from other traffic as where I live motorists take very little notice of the 30mph speed limit and if the trailer was hit by a car the child would not have a chance.

  3. Well, the trailer is low down, so it can't really turn over or anything like that. I would imagine that they are pretty much invulnerable to accidents caused by misuse of the bicycle, however, due again to the height, visability is reduced which could increase risk of a collision with a vechicle - especially one with a high cab.

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