
How safe are buses in Guatemala?

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I'm going to Guatemala this weekend and I know I am taking a bus from Guatemala City to Peten. But I was just wondering just how safe most 1st class buses are. I've heard all these horror stories about rape and murder on these buses and I'm just wondering if these are as common as they seem. I'm getting really scared and my trip is soon, could someone please give me some info.




  1. Relax.  My wife and I have traveled all over Honduras and Guatemala by bus (1st class and chicken bus) without a bit of trouble.  The incidents of robbery, rape, murder, and accidents are blown way out of proportion compared to reality.

  2. Since the 1st class buses are frequented by tourists, if it were as common as it seems first off, the national police would step in, and secondly, they would go out of business.  

    We generally fly or take a car when we go that way, but I have known several people who have taken the buses without issue.

  3. guatemala is a terrorist country

  4. I've traveled between Guatemala and El Salvador plenty of times with no problems. Yea I get a little nervous when I hear those stories but thankful its always been safe. however, I would never suggest a bus ride in the urban sections. Now those are definitely not safe for a number of  reasons.

    Have fun in Peten, its a pretty cool place to visit =)

  5. Travel over long distances, such as Guatemala City to Peten,  can be dangerous, but most trips are made without problems.  The major problem is with the "chicken buses."  (the local transportation system in the country)  There has been problems with the 1st class buses in the past (such as St. Marys College (Maryland) students being raped and robbed and being in such a vehicle does make it an easy target for bandits, but I wouldn't be overly concerned about the trip.  If the unlikely happens, DO NOT resist.  Give up your belongings and you will be fine.  They don't kill for fun, but will turn violent if challenged.

    About 5 years ago, I took my first trip to Guatemala and was terrified the night before.  I read the State Department warnings and was alarmed at the crime rate.  I've spent plenty of time there an NEVER had any issues.   Sorry if you bus trip is an overnight one, but travel after sunset increases the risk of becoming a victim.  Also, most of these 1st Class buses know what roads are better to travel and less likely to be robbed.

    P.S.  Just because many people have gone before you and not had any problems, doesn't mean it's without risk.  The odds are highly in your favor, but, as with anything in life, there is a risk involved.

  6. Take it easy! Don´t hesitate. Just take a shuttle from Antigua to Paten... You´ll be safe. What is not being safe is the urban buses in the city. Just get a travel agency in Guatemala and they will carry you very safe and cheap!

  7. its safe. when i go to guatemala i always ride the busses and nothing has happened to me. just act naturally dont look scared or worried and youll be fine

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