
How safe is Colombia?????

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Me and my friends are going to Colombia in September for a week. I just want to know how safe is Colombia??? You always hear about kidnappings, crimes on the street. has anyone been there?? and tell me your experience... you can email me at if you wish thank you!!!




  1. I've been 4 times to Cali, Medellin and Bogota.  I've never had a problem.  People are very friendly and security conscious - anywhere you go just ask locals ,especially middle class types, and they will give you good, updated information about the safety of where you are going.  Off the beaten path places like San Agustin and Ciudad Perdida are great places but sometimes a little dangerous, lately they have not been dangerous, though. Ask First!!!!!  The big cities are fine.  They won't kidnap you, that's for sure, they don't kidnap much the last few years and even when they did it was politicians, police, businessman and oil company workers.  Tourists who purposefully went to dangerous areas, as well, but you don't seem to the type that will do that on purpose.

  2. Colombia is definitely safer than it used to be. they are even building a highway from Cali to Bogota. Cartagena and Bogota are probably two of the safer cities to visit, but if you go to places like Cali or Medellin you will experience alot more of the culture and flavor of the people. I would also suggest visiting some of the smaller pueblos if you get the chance.

  3. the security is good, undoubtedly it depends on the zones where you are.

  4. Hi,

    Well my girlfriend is colombian and I have been to Colombia twice. I went to Bogota & Cartagena and I have had no problems at all. The media like to exagerate things. If you don't know anyone in colombia just go to the touristic places, and it would help if you knew some spanish. The food is delecious and the people are very warm. You shouldn't have any problems so don't stress!

  5. It really depends on where u go!!! I'm Colombian... and right now...i suggest they definitely don't go to buenaventura. also....i suggest u dont go really far into the amazon... datz kinda guerilla territory.. if they go to the islands and the major cities like cali, bogota,medellin... they should have a great , SAFE, time!!

  6. I wouldn't take it as far as the first answer here... you probably WON'T get killed or kidnapped but it certainly is risky. Things are getting much better, very fast, and I've met lots of people who've been to Colombia, including solo traveling females and they just loved it. I would, however, advice you to stay off the "off the beaten track" routes and stay at tourist hangouts; Cartagena, Santa Marta etc.

  7. it's safe enough to have the best time of your life..i am telling you...yeah, it depends where you go. just dont be afraid, i am pretty sure you will love it, specially cartagena and santa marta

  8. it totally depends where you go... If you go to the country side and amazons section you probably will be killed or kidnapped by FARC (la guerilla) yet if you stay in biggger cities like Bogota, Santa Martha, Cali, Cartagena, and just other major cities you should be fine...

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