
How safe is Egypt for two women traveling alone as tourists for two weeks?

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How safe is Egypt for two women traveling alone as tourists for two weeks?




  1. it is perfectly safe .

    i often travel alone or with a female friend in different parts of the country and always find it safe .

  2. I've travelled alone in Egypt for many years (& even lived there), & been perfectly safe. In fact i've never felt safer in any country.

    I live in the UK, & i wouldnt go out alone in the streets at night, but in Egypt i never had a problem walking prom the restaurant back to the hotel.

    Just be confident & dont put yourself in shady places & you'll be fine.

    Dont worry, just enjoy.

  3. egypt is probably much safer then any other place. unless you go somewhere dark alone or get into a taxi with a weird guy in it (maybe a killer) hope this didn't scare u. anyway there is only a 1 in a million chance anything bad will happen

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