
How safe is finding a travel buddy / partner online? Or in ads? Would you do it?

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I'm saving towards my dream of backpacking for at least 6 months- to a year. Thing is, my friends and family couldn't be less interested in going with me, and I really do not wish to travel alone. I'm 23btw, and female.

I'm aware of the websites etc that are set up for finding travel partners and such, but I don't know how safe it would be. I have paranoid visions of someone stealing all my stuff and leaving me stranded in the first week or so, for example!

I would just like some reasoned opinions if people think it's a good/bad idea, and would they ever seriously consider doing this?




  1. personally i would never travel with someone i never knew before i mean they could have told you so many lies and you could end up getting hurt

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