I am thinking of going to Rio for two weeks and visit a friend of mine. Although my friend who is originally Portuguese and has been living there for a few years, is eager to show me around, he will be working most of the days I will be there. This means I will need to do most of the sightseeing and travelling around by myself.
I also intend to travel from Rio to Sao Paolo and stay for at least one night and possibly other places in the vicinity. If I am to attempt this on my own given that I don't speak any portueguese or spanish, how dangerous/difficult will it be for me to do so?
I have gone backpacking in the past and have travelled quite extensively but never fully on my own and never in South America.
I get conflicting answers from people I know, from "it's not such a good idea for a woman to attempt this alone" to "it's not any different to a big european city"
I would appreciate the opinion from either locals or people that have travelled there on their own.