
How safe is it to for mom and baby to give birth between 35 and 37 weeks?

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I know 37-38 weeks is full term but my dr keeps saying he think my baby will come between 35-37 weeks. (I have a fibroid) My girlfriend gave birth at 35 weeks and another gave birth at 36 weeks. Both of their babies were fine and they were able to go home in 2-3 days with vaginal deliveries. What are the risk? is that considered premature?Also what is the typical birth weight for a baby that is 35 weeks?




  1. 35-37 weeks would be premature, but not "extremely premature." Chances are the longest your baby would have to stay in the hospital is until they would have been full-term, so if he is born at 35 weeks he may have to stay up to 2 weeks. Of course that is completely dependent on the baby and his condition when he is born. Overall that is a pretty safe time frame to be born - especially if your doctor knows in advance that the baby may be early. The mortality rates of babies born at that time are extremely low so I wouldn't worry too much.

  2. Anything before 37 weeks is considered premature. But the baby has a very high chance of surviving. One of the complications that can occur is under developed lungs and there is medication for that. but at 35 weeks the baby is almost there you should have about a 5-6 pound baby. Good Luck!

  3. I went into early labor right at 35 weeks. My baby was guessed to weigh at 5pounds 3ozs. They said everything would be fine if she was born. They were able to stop the labor though.

  4. i gave birth at 37 weeks and everything was fine. my sister in law is in the same boat. she is due in the first week of october, but they told her she cant have the baby before sept 1st - you should ask them to do an ultrasound to see how the baby's development is going. if the lungs are not developed, and they think you are going to be that early, they can give you steroids to make the baby develop faster. this is what they did for my sister in law. good luck!

  5. your baby would be fine!

  6. They consider babies premature under 5 lbs. Which is usually between 35-37 weeks. Almost 100% of babies born doing these weeks live a long happy life. Some might learn a little bit slower at first but most catch up.

  7. Nowdays this is pretty safe...dont worry yourself it will all go fine...

  8. the are considered premature, but not dangerously so. Most 35 week babies will have fully mature lungs and be strong enough to room in with you and skip the NICU. Birth weight may be a little low, 5 lbs or so.  

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