
How safe is it to visit Rome?

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I'm interested in visiting Rome, but I'm a bit worried about safety. How does safety in Rome compare to other large cities such as London, New York, etc? I'm not overly bothered about pickpocketing and other similar petty crime, but how common is it for people to actually get mugged in Rome, or other similar violent attacks? I'm not stupid, and do keep myself to myself and am careful when carrying valubles, but how much of a risk is this in the day, in populated areas? I'm 17, male and intending to visit alone.




  1. For a large city, it's very good. I spent a month there. My wife was pestered by 2 13 yr old girls, looking to pickpocket. (Didn't work)...........A friend had his wallet taken out of his FRONT! pocket while on a crowded bus and this guy was pretty savvy.

             Safer than most, just do what you what normally do in a big city to be safe.......Crowded flea markets are the places to be most watchful.

  2. Ok..I'm from London..and I've lived in Rome, so I'm probably more qualified than most to answer. Plus I was in the Italian army and I'm half Italian. Rome...

    Beautiful place...pickpockets on buses..plenty of them. So keep your purse or any bags close to you and your hand on any bag or purse. Keep your wallet in your FRONT pocket...not back and never in a jacket pocket. Also...there are things called "scipi" which are two guys on a scooter who will grab a ladie's handbag and go off with it, often times the female victim ends up injured due to falling or being dragged.

    Now as for violent crime...there isn't much. I have to tell you something that the police in Italy are very tough...they will beat people up and you can do absolutely nothing about it...criminals are scared of the police or carabinieri (army branch of the police who roam civilian streets). Police/carabinieri can and will kill any criminal they deem a danger...I worked with them in Sicily on an anti-mafia mission whilst in the army. They do not eff about...

    The upshot is that muggers don't roam about as in other big cities and it is much much safer. Though rapists and sexual crimes are a risk near parks..but again...nowhere near as bad as other cities. Bear in mind also that Rome is nowhere near as big as London, Paris or New York.

    Now there are a few areas you have to becareful and these are the "Rom" camps...basically Romanian gypsies. They camp under flyovers and such. They usually target women and a few have been killed and sexually assaulted. Which resulted in the police raiding a lot of them around Rome and getting rid of them (by exportation).

    Prostitution is another problem...and you will find prostitutes around the ring road (circonvalazione) because they do sometimes mug people...but without a car it's nearly impossible to get to these areas.

    But overall Rome is much much MUCH safer than London. Enjoy yourself. And word of advice...treat police as police over there...with great respect. Don't ask them directions...they hate it. Try to find a Vigile or traffic warden..they'll be in white/tourquise. Police = light blue. Carabinieri = Dark Blue.

    A 17 male just have to be careful about pickpocketing...otherwise you should be fine...but don't venture into areas which look rundown at night

    edit: Oh and the best form of defence in Italy is extreme, sudden violence...I know it may sound strange...but Italians get loud very easily and sound threatening...but they're not..all bark no bite. If an Italian lad bothers you (I don't a bar drunk) or wants to steal your watch etc, hit him without saying anything...Italians are not used to violence and will fold. Trust me. Also people are allowed to defend themselves in Italy more than any other place...criminals are thought scum, basically.

    UPDATE: che caz.. dici? Ce scritto pure sul sito ufficiale del commune di Roma: Provi guardare soto "Sull' autobus"

    Dai va...non facciamo finta che a Roma non succede mai niente...che favola!! Che per altro hai 15 ci esci da sola o con la mamma??!!

  3. I went a couple of years ago and I felt pretty safe. Its no different then at home. Just be aware of your surroundings and your possesions on you.

    The only thing in rome is that have people who will come up to you to try and take something. It will seem like a gesture to give a gift but as soon as you grab it you pay for it. When I went to the Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain, I was warned that there will be guys with roses trying to give it to you for you to buy it. It did happen, I was just gave them a forceful No and they left me alone.  

    Also remember Rome is very much a tourist City so unless your planning on visiting in the colder months, there will be alot of tourist people around. I am a female, and I was never scared.

  4. Read some information on traveling alone..

    I travel alone all the time.   Visit all the museums they are amazing...go to the spanish steps...people are socializing everywhere especially where there is a cafe outside so mingle there...

    It really doesn't matter which city you are in. The best thing to do is be aware of your surrounding, do not carry a lot of cash , wear a money belt. If you wear shorts or pants, do not carry your money in your back pocket or if you are wearing those cargo type shorts/pants do not place your money in the pockets.

    Be aware on the buses, metro, at the train stations and in crowds.

    Put your wallet in a shirt pocket with a button closure or in a pocket with a closure, not the back pocket. You should carry only small amount a cash in your shirt pocket. If you are going to use your credit card or need additional $$ , be aware of your surroundings when you go to retrieve things from your money belt. If you are in a restaurant, go to the bathroom and act as if you need to use the toliet and go inside the stall to get what you need.

    When traveling with a back pack wear it in the front and do not put your important documents inside. Put your important documents, credit cards, atm card, etc. in your money belt hidden inside your pants.

    You can also put your important documents in your money belt and keep some cash available in places I mentioned above

    If you have anything of value, leave it at your hotel in your room in the safe... Most hotels have little safes in the rooms. Do not carry what you do not need to.

    Always keep your money, documents, and valuables in different places.

    More tips on avoiding pickpockets and petty crime

  5. rome is safer than london and new york, and melon is absolutely wrong!!!

    police in italy CAN'T kill anyone!!!

    and there aren't pickpokets on buses!!!

    rome, especially prati neighborhood is built to reduce the criminality, in fact the streets are very large and lightened 24hs a day, there's no problem to come here!! i'm now 15 and i live here since my born, and i always go outside alone, and i've never suffer an attack!!!

    consult an european statistic!!! rome is one of the safest metroplies in the world london and paris has 600% crimes respect to rome!!

  6. i'm italian. rome is more more more more safe then london and new york

  7. I had a good time in Rome.  There are a lot of people everywhere.  The locals we came across were friendly, at the store, on the bus or subway.  It was actually the other tourists who were rude.  To me, Rome is by far safer and nicer than NYC.  I like the history there.  No gangs or punks hanging around that I saw.

  8. I thought it was pretty safe, but you need to stay alert for pick-pockets and the like.  On the subway some guy tried to clothes hump the woman I was traveling with, but that's the sort of thing you can encounter just about anywhere.  Overall I found Rome to be a clean and friendly city, and really pretty easy to get around in without too much confusion or disorder.

    Have a great time!

  9. I thought it was great and didn't feel unsafe at all. I walked around alone at night by myself too. I was about 21 then. However, if you go to southern Italy, be aware that you may encounter the mafia. It's not as safe to go down there, but I wouldn't tell you not to go. I'd just tell you to use caution. The only think you may run into is when mothers with children cornering you to give them money. That's kind of an intense situation, but since you're not worried about pick pocketing...that may not bother you. I think compared to London and NYC, it's safer.

  10. Rome is very safe, in fact much safer than London or New York.  Yes, there is pickpocketing as there is in any major city.  Take the same care as you would anywhere else.

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