
How safe is it to walk up Ben Lomond (scotland)?

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We are thinking of walking up it but I am wondering how easy it is and also how safe. The weather can turn quite quickly




  1. Ben Lomond is a good climb. There are tracks which are easy to follow but don't kid yourself that it will be too easy. The weather can make climbing difficult and a few people have had real problems on the Ben. If weather is good- the views will be spectacular. Enjoy but make sure you are well prepared.

  2. Lets make it quite clear from the outset. Ben Lomond is not some wee hill - it is a mountain with all the potential dangers that this brings. Secondly, the weather, even in summer, can be far different at the base from that at the summit.

    That said, there are reasonably easy walks up the mountain. Allow a full day to get up and back, but take precautions.

    Carry a whistle and a fully charged mobile phone with you. Tell someone responsible where you are going and tell them when you expect to be back. Take both warm and waterproof clothing. (The last time I went up, it was bright, warm sunshine at the foot, almost sunbathing weather. Although the summit looked to be in the clouds, in fact it was freezing cold up there with torrential rain with visilbility down to fifty yards.)

    Good luck; the views from the mountain are spectacular.

  3. very safe but make sure you have a nice day for it. mind looking at there forecast i think youre much better off going up a hill/ mountain down south

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