
How safe is shooting at a metal target 500+ yards away? What are the dangers?

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What happens to the buttet once it hits the target? What is a safe distance from target? Where can I find more information on this?




  1. It is perfectly safe for the shooter and as long as there are no individuals or livestock near the target there should be no problem at all.

    Having said that I shoot through metal targets with a .50 BMG at 500 Yds and the round still has plenty of energy. So it depends on what gun your are shooting.

  2. When a bullet strikes a hard surface, it behaves more like a liquid, than solid.  Some of it is literally vaporized, turning into a gas, which is hazardous to breath.  The remainder is propelled in a radius away from the impact.  

         500 yards is extremely safe, five yards is safe.

  3. As long as the metal target isn't , let's say... a tanker full of propane, it's safe.

  4. 500 is quite safe but to be safer place the target at a shallow angle to the shooter.

    I do that with steel targets for Police Qualifications shooting inside on 50 yards with duty ammo. the targets are slightly off line to prevent a bounce back at the shooter.

    I learned this many years ago while shooting steel and a bullet came back marked "Return To Sender" A very close call.Place steel 10-20 degrees out of center and you will be fine.

  5. totally safe, I like frangible ammo fire 5 feet away!

  6. One can safely shoot metal targets as little as 5 yards away, because when the bullet hits it 'splatters' in a fan like pattern.

    If you get a chance to watch some 'Action' shooting competitions you'll see this played out hundreds of times with no one being injured.

  7. the dangers are you miss.

  8. as long as you aren't shooting FMJs you are fine at 25 yards or more, be sure the silhouette isn't angled as a ricochet can occur with some bullets, a straight on shot at any distance will be fine.

  9. Yeah it's safe, unless the bullet somehow magically decides it doesn't want to die. Then again, magically, it changes it's mind about dying, thinking that it was it's destiny and comes back to hit you in the head.

    Yeah, 500 yards is very safe.

  10. thats safe. 500 yards!, its safe

  11. ZERO Danger Level.*~~

  12. I shoot metal targets all summer long at 100 yard distances...... 5/16ths inch mild steel....  9MM just disintegrates, .223 and 7.62X39MM cuts right thru it and 12 gauge shotgun makes a huge dent but it just bounces off.... Nothing has ever come back as a richochet... ..... How thick is the steel target your hitting??  If your hitting a 1 inch thick steel plate with a .300 win mag then I might be a little nervous....  At 500 yards your perfectly safe..... Let us know what size ammo you will be using.....

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