
How safe is this VW bus and what would it be like in a crash going 45MPH. See link......

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How bad would the driver be hurt in a crash going around 45. how injured would he be and how could i make it safer.




  1. Well if the driver hit a solid object the impact would be 90 mph so both the driver and the VW would be dead..............

  2. There is very little between the driver and the person hitting you. Any crash of that caliber could kill or severely injure a driver and their passenger.

  3. it mentions needing the seat bolting down.

    as it is loose, it could fly and hit you in a sudden stop.

    apart from that, i would get a decent garage to put better brakes on it.

    my dad lost a van due to bad brakes. fortunatley, nobody was hurt.

    i would check the seat belts. they are probably the old static type.

    it is easy to swap them for inertia reel ones (we even got blue ones for ours!)

    as the engine is in the back, it will not end up in your legs in a collision (a problem with many small cars)

    get the seats fitted correctly, get decent seat belts and upgrade the brakes.

    always secure your luggage, a heavy bag flying forwards could do some damage.

    as for injuries, it depends what you hit, and from what direction.

    you are quite high up, so most cars will do damage underneath you!

    whiplash and cuts and bruises are always possible, in any vehicle

    if you hit something stationary at 45, it is exactly that.

    if you hit something coming toward you, also doing 45, then that is like hitting a solid object at 90

  4. theyd be dead  

  5. It depends on the crash. A buddy of mine has crashed many VW busses and walked away from all of them. His last crash he was going about 50mph and slid off the road (winding mountain road). The bus rolled a couple of times until a tree stopped it. The dash crushed in and messed up his knee, but he was drunk so he hobbled away.

    The bus in the link is not safe at all. If you added a roll cage to it, you might survive an accident. When you cut the top off a vehicle, it looses all of it's side impact support.

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