
How safe is to run the ccleaner?

by  |  earlier

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I try to run a scan with ccleaner and sticks on temporary internet file.Is it safe to run the cleaner without scanning? A friend of mine who did it has a problem with his Internet Explorer 7.0.How can i know that anyone required file not be cleaned if i run the ccleaner (you suggest me to do it when i asked you why my pc freezes-i don't have any virus,i check it with more than 10 different scanners,including on-line scanners).CAN YOU INSURE ME THAT IT'S SAFELY IF I RUN THE CCLEANER?




  1. Hi,

    CCLeaner it SAFE to use and is the best cleaner around, the problem that you are having is due to the fact that CCleaner is finding so much rubbish on your system, please run it in safe mode (press F8 as it reboots) and then afterward defrag your hard drive to get all your free space back again, and please don't WORRY just let CCLeaner do it's job.


    update :-

    i have just read you last question, your system is slow due to all the rubbish on your hard drive, so run CCleaner then reboot back into safe mode and defag your hard drive, this will solve your problems.

  2. IE is horrible -- you need to get firefox because it's safer, faster and I think it's more stable - reference mes-faster

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