
How scary this Houston Rocket team? I need help from Rocket fans?

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You got Scola, Dorsey, yao, and Mutombo for the bigs.

You got Mcgrady, Battier, and Artest at the wings.

And Rafer Alton and Brooks at the point guard.

Anyways can T-MAC play the point position?

How good is Artest guarding post players?

Are Scola and Dorsey good defenders?

How good is Rafer Alston at shooting?




  1. Ron Artest will destroy their team chemistry with his selfishness and and bad attitude. The Suns would still own them anyway Amare is better than Yao.

  2. well i dont have to be a Rocket fan to figure this out

    Rockets are a TITLE contender with a team like this

    and basically nobody knows they also got Brent Barry, this is a very deep team

    T-mac cant play point

    Artest is a great post defender

    Dorsey and Scola are great defenders

    Rafer Alston can shoot the lites out

  3. This "Yahoo Sucks"  guy is a typical Laker fan.  Someone tell him to shut the h**l up please.  Don't be mad at us cuz your Lakers got raped by the Celtics.  And why did they?? Sufficating defense.

    This is exactly the recipe of the Rockets now.

    For your questions:

    Yes T-Mac can play the point, and usually does at the end of big games, since he is their best playmaker.  Obviously Rafer and Aaron Brooks (who i think is going to be a pretty d**n good player)  will mainly run the spot.

    Artest is tremendous at guarding post players as he poses nightmares for almost anyone on the court.  He is so big and strong that he can guard bigger players and so quick and athletic he can guard smaller guys.  Most importantly, you dont have to ask T Mac anymore to guard the oppositions best player such as Kobe, Ginobli and them guys.  Artest will gladly take over this duty.

    Scola, is a great team player.  Hustles on every play and is very skilled down low.  He is still adjusting a bit to the defensive ened (i still think Carl Landry is better defensively) but that shows you how deep the rockets are.  Joey Dorsey was an absolute steal in the second round.  We all know he isnt going to score alot.  But he doesnt need to with the offense the rockets have.  His job is to come in and play tough nosed d, rebound, block shots and disrupt plays.  Plus he is incredibly athletic and can finish down low.

    Rafer Alston is not a great shooter.....very streaky. Although last year he had a pretty darn good season.  If he can duplicate his season this year...the Rockets should be in great shape.  

    This could be the year of Clutch City three!

  4. Don't worry about these Lakers fans.  They are still crying about the beating the Celtics gave them.  

    Houston was better then Lakers.  Last year withou Yao, they still played great.  Now adding Yao and Artest, they'll destroy Lakers.  Sad part is I was hoping Lakers will make it back to the Final so Boston can sweep them this around and break that 39 points record by another 20 points.  I like the sound of all  the Lakers fans crying.

  5. rockets are 5th best in the west still

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