
How screwed are those cops that shot the two dogs at the mayor's house in a botched drug raid?

by  |  earlier

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I thought they shot the dogs in self-defense at first. Then I found out the cops basically executed them. Not good. Even worse, they'll have the MAYOR testifying against them. Not good. These guys were bad eggs. In a way, it's good they got caught with their pants down, they're off the streets now.

I mean, this wasn't even a known dealer that had a long rap sheet. It was some random guy they obviously had no prior contact with. Are they that stupid to not realize that sometimes mistakes are made? I can't imagine they were afraid of the labs




  1. Well to sad about the dogs, but did the dogs try to bite them or show anger at them?

  2. Sadly, not a screwed as you would think.

  3. Hopefully like Ginger Lynn Allen.

  4. Unfortunately, this is now the typical MO for the police state that the USA has allowed itself to become.  Perfectly law-abiding citizens, who if the father was not a mayor we wouldn't even be hearing about this everyday case, were terrorised by supposed 'law enforcement' thugs who didn't knock or serve a warrant (seems like I remember something about that in the US Constitution... maybe not), burst the family home's door down, entered and immediately KILLED the family's pets, and then handcuffed and jailed a family man and his mother in law who was fixing dinner. PERFECTLY LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS.  

    Why?  Because the 'police' suspected that a complex scheme to import - are you sitting down? - mary wanna into their county might be taking place. Obviously in the New USA that is an acceptable reason to use a SWAT team to execute a warrantless search and use lethal force.

    Do you Americans realize what you have allowed your country to become?

  5. police shoot inocent people every day because of phony drug war every day dogs and people are murdered over marijuana .you could be next  

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