
How scummy is this guy?

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A local takeaway owner has been done for lacing the chips and burgers with smack so people were addicted to the food.

Just how scummy is that?




  1. considering the cost of smack vs the ROI on his takeaway food, i'd say the story is complete and total bullshyt.

  2. great idea

  3. He sounds like a scummy-wummy!

    What a toad. I wonder if this is true or not?  I would be sooo upset if I found out that he did that and I ate there.!

  4. was he done for possession with intent to supply?! That's very scummy, kids eat that stuff too

  5. c'mon. this is so not true.

  6. that is pretty bad... i better watch out.. im addicted to mcdonalds!

  7. With Heroin?

    Are you serious?

    Has to cost him more to keep his clients hooked than it's worth in business!

    Sounds like another urban myth to me!

    I'm pretty sure you would know if you were being drugged with heroin.

  8. good one! The story that is, but of course it's not true.

    Nice try though.

  9. That explains it all then! He made the country fat! :P

  10. Don't worry Janey J-it is rubbish. For a start, it wouldn't work, it would cost him a fortune and if they were getting smacked out their knackers, burger and chips is the last thing they would be buying. When was the last time you saw a junkie that was chunky?! (Ha -I just made that up!)

    Not real, my friend, but it is good to know that there are people like you in the world that care.

  11. I'd say very very scummy!

  12. if it is true he must be stupid he maybe has more money than sense if he was doing that.

  13. You are not serious?!! I would hit the roof if someone did that to me and I've have them jailed for life and I mean, life. No wonder I never eat fast food. I learned to cook when I was in my teens and so did my brother. My mother and Grandmother taught me how to do it. My brother is a chef and I used to run a guest house where I gave my guests dinner, bed and breakfast. I love cooking and the sooner they make cooking compulsory in schools everywhere, the better.

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