
How secure is Paypal and what are the mishaps with them?

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My parents are extrmly paranoid with using credits cards over the internet. I have my own debit card and they wont let me use it. I was wondering what the odds are of a hacker getting my identification. and was also wondering if it is possible and if so how many times has it happened?

Thanks for ur time




  1. been using paypal 5 years buy lots on internet alot from ebay as well as tiger direct ... never ever a problem ... if u wish u can download this free key scrambler i do a lot of online banking as well will scramble your log ONS AS WELL AS CREDIT CARD NUMBERS ETC....

  2. It is secure, just keep a long password, and if any does not pay you like on e-bay fight it!! They will and should go with you and give you your money back! Plus never keep your password saved on your computer!

  3. Well, always try to use popular websites using PayPal. You can get key logged, if you are not safe online. You should get anti-virus and a firewall just in case and you will be all good.

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