
How sensitive are you?

by Guest62392  |  earlier

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I mean intelligent awareness or sympathetic understanding.




  1. i can be sensitive when i want to before i wasnt aware that i could...

  2. Less sensitive than when I was younger.

  3. I think I'm pretty sensative, for instance, I think it's a good thing to cry sometimes, I've even cried at movies.

  4. Depends what mood I'm in..

  5. depends in which places.

  6. Dunno... Guess I am actually. I have a very weak mind. If somebody says I suck, I suck.

  7. I'm sensitive.many times i cry hurt...not only cuz i'm emo....just cuz the ppl around me made me do it!!I just wanna cry sometimes!

  8. Why are you asking me this? I'm so upset're judging me too much ='[

  9. not very

  10. I am so sensitive this question makes me cry.

  11. a little sensitive////

  12. Adriano, what do you mean?  Drama queen, shrinking violet, fraidy, someone who overreacts......who has no courage, can't deal with change.....someone who acts as a canary in a mine - you can watch them and see a trend as it is starting......someone who is cut off, or self-centered, or more responsive/less numbed than others, someone whose focus is on others and sensitivity to what affects others?

    They question is exceedingly nonspecific....

    Oh - the details help.  I once dated a guy (two dates) who thought women who wanted a sensitive guy would be impressed if he went waterworks weepy over himself.......

    The usual problem with the term is whether the person is totally self-centered (in which case, the term is "touchy") or is sensitive towards others.

    I would suggest. rather. use of the word empathetic - you can't be empathetic with yourself, so it is more specific.

  13. Very sensitive - I let my heart rule my head.

  14. Very Sensitive

  15. Sometimes incan be way too sensitive - usually with silly things too ( but i never show it to anybody) most of the time i'm not very at all

  16. What do you mean by this?  What I have I said to upset you?  Why are you looking at me like that?

    I'm going now.  I think the tone of this question is upsetting me.


  17. yes i am a very sensitive person, no matter how i try not to be too sensitive I cannot change.

  18. not at all...I lost my sensitive side along time like totally numb to it.

  19. This question hurts my feelings. I'm offended.


  21. Way too

  22. Being hypersensitive could be described as being allergic to life. I try to love every minute of this life because I'm sensitive to the eternal perspective. Having an intelligent awareness opens up your heart to someone else's pain. Yeah, I may get hurt myself, but I try to not take it personally.

    We should all be sensitive to the insanities of the makes a person laugh at the absurd. When others think I'm absurd, I try to laugh with them. Life is short... laugh long.

    Now, to be sensitive to be politically correct drives me bonkers. I try to be tactful, yet honest. Sometimes there is just no room to be sensitive and politically correct at the same time. You know what I mean...
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