
How seperate is the internet world and from your everyday life?

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When im on the internet I find like im in another world, one where I can explore and find out what I wish. I can get (nearly) anything I want...for example, I can talk and debate with people with similar intrests.

In everyday life I find interaction less easy and lacking in depth, I meet few people that I can be open with and nearly always stay away from topics such as religion, politics, and philosophy to avoid upsetting people. My experience is the complete opposite to the internet in everyday life.

Do you feel as if you live two different lives, the internet one and everyday life. As if you leave and enter two completely different worlds.




  1. I don't feel that way about the Internet.  I feel that the Internet is a wonderful tool for me to use, but it's not my 'everything.'  It's a short, fun diversion, but that's all it is for me.  I'd much rather have 'in-person' exchanges than on-line ones.  On-line exchanges are so limited.

  2. The Internet is an entirely new phenomenon with it true potential for the development of the mind still largely unknown. The immediate affect of being on the Internet is that of unparalleled sense of freedom, personal autonomy and enterprise. When on the net we are in a way in the world that we are ourselves. This world may include all other people, but those people are not present in their person but as a mind free from all the baggage that comes along with personalities. When people are present in their fullest personal capacity they have great deal to take care of, to think about, feel about, and to worry about. The people who would be very reserved and shy might show up very differently in their virtual world.

    The positive points about the Internet based interaction is that freedom from restraining and limitative factors of personality, i.e. their personal biases, prejudices, fears and shortcomings, brings the best out of most people. We can share our opinions more openly and positively on the sites like this. When for instance I express myself I feel as if I am speaking with the person I like to speak to, as person who is listening and who is worthy of listening. This enables me to express myself to the best of my abilities.

    But this obviously is not the case. The fact is that there are people of sorts, or all type, on the Internet. Some people might be more intelligent than you and some less. There could be people who are good at hiding their true intent while others, more at ease with being honest right from the outset and all the way through. But these are my own ideas, and actuality behind avatars could be even more weird and wonderful.

    There are no standards apart from broadly outlines ‘Community Regulations’ of one kind or the other. There is no way to find out who and what really is behind words, pictures, effects and impressions. The best that we could do therefore is to be the best that we can, in our own right. We can sensibly compare our virtual world with the world we physically reside in to see how credibly and comfortably reasonable we are where ever we might find ourselves.

  3. Totally. It's just like you said. The internet is much like a free world.

    But it's also similar to the real world, with its own dangers and people judging you.

    It does feel like two different lives sometimes, but I'm the same person no matter what.

  4. Internet world is indeed a connection to the real world. It is a great way to human connectivity. I see it as a means to make the world smaller and reach out to far away places by just the play of your fingers. It is an accepted reality in relaying ideas and knowledge to the other world. It is a vast experience one could never forget.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  5. Yes, I do believe that I live 2 different lives, but only because on the internet, whenever I do stuff, it is with people who I do not know in reality. Fact of the matter, is that the only reason why it is so different is because you are away from everyone else that you know.

    Of course, depending on who your friends are and such, if you were to be on the internet with people that you know watching you, or people that you know were on the same site as you (one where you may be able to communicate), then can you honostly say that it would seem all that much like 2 seperate worlds?

    In other words, think of things this way. In a sense, it is a different world, and at the same time, it is, in fact, completely the same world, except you aren't judged by those around you, which allows a more.......deeper, side of you to appear. Or something of that sort anyways

  6. I definately agree life on the internet is "deeper",maybe people feel its easier to talk abut deeper things or more social misfits are online.

    Everyday life is more urgent or mannered,in writing you can reflect.

  7. yeah it's completely diferent because when you're "talking" to people you've never met you can be honest about things where as in real life you have to be careful what you say as not to upset anyone. As I'm quite a diplomatic person anyway I would hope that I would not upset anyone intentionaly. Two diferent worlds? yeah it's good sometimes to be able to step out of real life just for a little while...

  8. This is weird as I think I posed this question once and felt quite differently felt more like you today it seems different -

    I am used to being in other worlds because I have mental health symptoms I already live with a lot of my own 'unreality ' that is real to me . I also have really good friends with whom I co-process - and so need less from outsie which is a nice position to be in now- it wasnt always so.

    But I get what you mean.

    No  one here is frightened of me (that I know about).

    yes I agree daily life is lacking in depth.

    I think not having to read other's body language along with the words is such a relief. I find in real life people give out so many contradictory messages it cabbages my brain.

  9. you are very much sad from your real life So you are in search of like minded people

  10. Not two separate lives.  It reinforces opinions or sometimes changed my ideas if I encounter new facts.  I average about two hours per day online and certainly would not want to be without this great resource.

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