
How serious are contract employers when they say that there is a strong possibility that the interim contract?

by  |  earlier

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.... will be extended to a permanent position.




  1. Peter's answer above is spot on.

    However in terms of telling how serious your employer is about planning to employ you for longer than any fixed-term contract that they've already given you, there's no way to know for sure. It depends on the employer, maybe they can't commit financially at the moment. Do the job to the best of your abilities and good luck.

  2. In the UK, a temporary contract of employment becomes a permanent contract by default after 12 months service.

    This is because the full employment rights under the countries employment law have to be applied and that makes the contract permanent to all intents and purposes.

    In practical terms that means the post holder qualifies for redundancy and any other minimum requirement such as sick leave, annual leave and access to challenge employers decisions through the employment tribunal.

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