
How serious do you take your Faith?

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  1. 100%

    i am born Muslim,i am very lucky,i know i aint perfect,i strive everyday to become a better Muslim,from trying to get up for fajar,also keeping my gazes down from women when walking public,to continuesly seeking knowledge....

  2. Very much and inshallah will continue to do so.

  3. Extremely serious. I believe following my religion is what I need to gain entrance to heaven.  I also believe we lead better lives when we live according to our individual Faiths.

  4. Very Seriously

    I am Greek Orthodox and abide by the Laws of God

    May God's Love Be With You

  5. quite serious alhamdulillah but improvements can be made which i am working on inshallah =]

  6. Very.

    I love Islam. It's a very important religion to me!

  7. I try to take my faith very seriously. I think that if you are going to say you are something (eg. muslim) then BE it. Like for example, if you say you are a Muslim, then BE a Muslim, or at least TRY.

    I pray five times a day (or at least do the five prayers) I fast, even do optional fast days, i try to be a good person (truthful, kind, respectful, nice) I'm not perfect, but I try to mae my intentions good.

    May Allah smile upon us, His faithful servants, inshallah.

  8. a very few people take their Faith seriously nowadays. it is an era of the devil as it may be called! the wrong and the hideous deeds are very confidently and publicly done. if Faith would've been present, none of us would have the courage to do any sort of bad act. and if u ask dis on individual basis, well people are not strong enough to control their conscience and desires, thereby, doing all that they want.

    Sadly, Faith holds no value then...

    some good people are still having fights within themselves striving to stay on the right side, though! i'm one of those confused people too. and alhumdulillah im proud that i'm even close!

    go ahead people gimme a few "thumbs-down"... i talk sense and that is not tolerable by u!!

  9. Very.  I don't play with it.

  10. well take it in this way, my name is Emaan (meaning Faith) how serious do u think i take my faith?


  11. W/salam.

    My faith is in my every thinking.

    My faith tells me to do Hijab, I think of Hijab evertime, every where I go, with whatever I do!

    thats just an example!

  12. very seriously...alhamdolillah

    i defend islam whenver i have tha chance

  13. Try my best. Insha'Allah. I would say very seriously. Unfortunately it inconveniences some people, but hey, I do it for Allah.

  14. I take it very seriously, and Inshallah i will be able and continue to do so..

  15. it's everything i got i look to it with everything i do it's the most important thing in my life

  16. Really seriously and would not do something unislamic, and everything I do I think is it allowed Islamically or not. Course we all need to improve Inshallah!

  17. wa salaam...serious to myself.

  18. not at all  Bol**cks

  19. more than most

  20. Very seriously, of-course i have moments when my faith increases and decreases.

  21. Church of England,Anglican & serious about the Lord.Amen

  22. very seriously my religion isnt something you can play around with and edit to fit to your desires i take my faith very serious!

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