
How serious it this infection? should i be worried?

by  |  earlier

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A family member of mine went to the hospital today cause she has a gallbladder infection and something is also wrong with her pancreas i am guess an infection. She is 90 years old and i want to know how serious this is and if i should be really worried ?




  1. Gallbladder infections can be extemely painful, but can be treated with antibiotics.  Usually they will not perform surgery unless it is a diseased gallbladder of it there are large gallstones.  Her age is another reason they probably would not do surgery.  Her pancreas problem may be able to be treated too.  When a person is 90, many things that can be simple for younger people, may be very difficult for them.  Talk to her doctor....

  2. At 90 years of age, almost anything could be fatal.

    I don't know if you should actually worry though due to the person's age, but I would make plans to see her as much as possible for now.

  3. They will probably want to remove her gallbladder, she most likely has gall stones and that's what caused the infection, they will probably put her on antibiotics first to get rid of the infection, and then remove her gallbladder. It's really a pretty common procedure, but when dealing with an elderly person even the most simple disease could potentially be life threatening. It really depends on her health prior to the infection, if she's always been in fairly good health I see no reason why she wouldn't make a full recovery.

  4. pancreatitis is dangerous at any age more so at 90 ,

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