
How serious of a threat is climate change and why?

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How serious of a threat is climate change and why?




  1. The serious threat is to our freedom by governments using CC as an excuse to further their control over all aspects of our lives.

  2. It the Earths gets warmer, it will be wonderful.  Fewer people will die from cold weather, and crops will be grown in places where is was unimaginable before.

  3. Very little.  All predictions of doom and gloom, the world is going to end have shown to be bogus.

    Truth is no one can predict the future, no one knows if it will be warmer or colder 5 years from now.

    There is very little reason to expect 5 years, or 10 years from today will be any different than what we have today.

  4. Climate change is a fact, its a natural and ongoing process that has been occurring since day 1.

    The sun is the primary  driver of this change, over the last few years or longer, the suns output has been up by 1% or more.

    contrary to the popular myth, it has nothing to do with man's activities.

  5. None.

    It is a natural part of living on a planet that circles a variable output sun.

    The middle ages were a few degress warmer than it was even during our 'hottest year on record"  (which they don't tell you is a record that starts in 1870)

    Human civilization thrives during the warm periods.  

    Looking at the fear mongering that has brainwashed most of the little children in the USA it is unreal.  Even above, somone said that people will be driven inland by rising seas!  Umm yeah 1.7 mm a year of sea level rise should make people lose sleep.  (let's not even blow their minds by telling them that the mean sea levels have fallen for the last decade)

    Crops have longer growing seasons so I guess we have ruled out the starvation nonsense.  Larger portions of land masses become available for crops and habitability in the northern hemisphere i.e. northern Europe across through former Russia and over to Canada.

    The gloabl temps have fallen for over ten years.  We are sitting in an abnormally cold 15 month period right now.  Can we finally tell the ecoterrorist left to stop with their fearmongering power grab called man-made global warming?

  6. i believe that the world goes through changes. the earth has cycles when the seas will rise and fall, the temps will change, weather systems will change. the great barrier reef was once said to have been a forrest, the sea has risen and receeded as many as 6 times within millions of years over the reef, exsposing it, and then becoming a forest....then sea, over and over agian. the ice caps are actually building back up.....please read this article :)

    so i belive that climate change will affect us, but i do not believe that humans are causing this. global warming does not exist. keep in mind, man has only been documenting weather for a short period of time...the earth has been here for millions of years. we dont know what "normal" climate is.

  7. extremly serious. the "WHY" I just anserwed that one on my last intake answer.

  8. At one degree of warming, the Arctic is ice-free for half the year, the South Atlantic—typically void of hurricanes—experiences coastal hurricanes, and in the western U.S. severe droughts are plaguing residents.

    Two Degrees of Warming

    Polar bears struggle to survive as glaciers increasingly melt away. Glaciers in Greenland begin to disappear, while coral reefs are vanishing.

    Three Degrees of Warming

    The Amazon rainforest is drying out and El Niño’s intense weather pattern becomes the norm. Europe repeatedly experiences searing summer heat that has rarely happened before.

    Four Degrees of Warming

    Oceans could rise, taking over coastal cities. The disappearance of glaciers may deprive many of fresh water. Northern Canada’s agriculture could boom and a Scandinavian beach could be the next tourism hotspot. A part of Antarctica could collapse, causing water to rise even further.

    Five Degrees of Warming

    Uninhabitable zones could spread, snow pack and aquifers feeding big cities could dry up, and climate refugees could run in the millions. Human civilization could begin to break down with this drastic of changes to the climate. The poor would likely suffer the most.

    Six Degrees of Warming

    At six degrees, the oceans could be marine wastelands, the deserts could march across continents, and natural disasters could become common events. The world’s great cities could be flooded and abandoned. This could be “the doomsday scenario.”

    ***So I give real info and get a thumbs down ha ha ha!! What children you are....

  9. Very serious.

    It won't be a Hollywood movie style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

    Most scientists say, in 20-50 years. But we need to start right now to fix it, fixing it will take even longer than that.

    Really good website for more information here:

    Lots of numerical scientific data proving it real here:

    Proof that most scientists think it's real and mostly caused by us here:

  10. climate change is a fact. A large portion of the population will die. Approx 90% most from overcrowding, starvation, disease. When the sea levels rise, people will move inland. Wide variations in daily temperatures will effect crops.

    Intense storms will destroy shelter and cause mass evacuations. From there it's all down hill.

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