
How serious would it be if Tel-Aviv was hit by an atomic bomb?

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What would Israel's response be? Would they attack the country back with a WMD of their own?




  1. Pretty serious and if Israel felt threatened enough the Samson Option would be used. Then we would see what a world wide nuclear war was like.

    "That use was justified by a huge set of circumstances that made it the best possible choice to restore sanity to the entire world."

    That is actually false,it was not justified or necessary. An insane act does not restore sanity.

  2. Israel's allies would attack whichever country attacked Israel and take them out by whatever means necessary.  If it gets that close to what you're talking about really then it's going to be a pre-emptive strike.

    People need to get in their thick heads that they better not mess with Israel.

    Bush said to the Knesset:

    "Israel's population may be just over 7 million. But when you confront terror and evil, you are 307 million strong, because America stands with you."

  3. Why would tel aviv get hit with one? Allah's will? durka jihad muhammad?

  4. Kind of a dumb question.  Don't you think.

    All h**l would break loose and you know that already.

    I am not concerned with anyone having the desire or capabilities of hitting Israel with Nucs.

    I am concerned with the crazy Syrians attacking Golan with chemical bombs.

    Bye Bye Damascus.

    Try reading the Hebrew Bible.

  5. According to Jimmy Carter Israel has over 105 nuclear would simply attack the other country

  6. Well, I assume that you are referring to Irans attempt to build a nuclear weapon and hurl it at Israel somehow. If this attack was successful then it would be a terrible thing (not to mention a horrible crime). I assume that as long as Israel was able then they would respond in kind. If Israel could not respond then I have no doubt that the U.S. would respond for them (and they might do it in conjunction anyway). I just hope that counties such as Iran (and their leaders) who are trying to build a few nuclear weapons with which to threaten or attack other countries realize that the U.S. has about 10,000 nuclear weapons altogether (we have decommissioned approximately 60,000 more over the years which means they have been disassembled and stored underground in case of an emergency). Only a lunatic government would use a nuclear weapon when faced with such a powerful deterrent. But, I am not so sure that there aren't more than a few lunatics in the Iranian government.

    edit: You see, the U.S. would have no choice but to strike back in favor of an ally. The whole purpose of a nuclear deterrent is the idea that if someone uses nuclear weapons against the U.S. or one of it's allies then they will be destroyed. If the U.S. (or any other country) were to fail to respond in kind after a nuclear attack...then the whole idea of a deterrent would be lost. Israel and the U.S. would have no choice at all...they would have to strike back with superior force. If countries think that they can use nuclear weapons, etc. and not be destroyed in a counter-attack then they would have no need to fear using them again and again. Actually...even a ratio of 1 to 1 could not be acceptable because some governments wouldn't mind that ratio. Ahmadinejad for example might not mind trading an Israeli city for an Iranian, the ratio would have to be much higher. I don't understand why so many Arabs and Muslims in general are actually hoping that Iran will make this mistake. They believe that Iran could bluff it's way out a counter-attack. They don't understand that the response to such an attack will be automatic. There would be no vote on it...there would be no debate in the U.N. or in the court of world wouldn't matter who the president was. If an attack such as that happened then a number of nukes would rain down on Iran within an hour or so and the rest would be sorted out later.

    Edit: I also agree with shay...the capability now exists to shoot down any nuclear missile which Iran might fire at Israel as long as it is the right type of delivery system. There are ways though in which Iran could probably deliver a nuclear warhead which would evade the missile defense shield. Either would be a big mistake and a horrible crime with devastating consequences. I also agree with Ultra N...this should be a concern for Iran. But, in the case of a counter-attack then a nuclear weapon exists for nearly every circumstance (all the way from tactical battlefield nukes up to the largest ICBMs). There are even so-called "low-radiation" nukes that could be used in an attempt to limit the possible collateral damage.

  7. Tel Aviv can not be hit by an atomic bomb, said bomb will be shot down as it enters the atmosphere, sadly this will probably happen above Iraq or Syria (assuming this bomb will be sent from Iran) , many people in those countries will die.

    Now lets think about the outcome of such an attack, again I I'm only assuming that Israel has 100 or 150 or 200 nuclear warheads, Iran will be a splat of molten sand that will glow in the night.

  8. not serious at all, actually i would celebrate, let me know when it does.

  9. ANY country that is civilized SHOULD immediately attack whatever county did this. It should be the entire world against anyone who would do such a crime.

    Even in war, there are boundries to how you act. The act you described would be so far over the boundries of decency that is should be renounced by any civilized person and country.

    Atomic bombs have only been used once in all of history. That use was justified by a huge set of circumstances that made it the best possible choice to restore sanity to the entire world.

    The situation in the Middle East is totally different. The circumstances are totally different. It would be unconcionable to do such an act.

    P.S. I need to clarify my first sentence, it was too easy to mis-intrepret what I said. What I meant was that ALL civilized countries should band together and attack the country that set off the bomb. It is the responsibility of any country that is civilized to join the effort to take the power from the country that did this unspeakable act.

    P.P.S. why assume the bomb was delivered via missle? It could be dropped from a plane or it could even be land based, like in a building or on a truck. If it was in a missle and the missle was destroyed in mid-air, wouldn't there be a lot of neuclear fallout from the bomb? That alone would cause a crisis.

  10. i'd say (probably) ww3 serious, pal...

  11. Every country on earth would attack back if they were attacked by an atomic bomb!

  12. I'd be fishing at the shore of Lake Middle East!

  13. Enough serious to finish the whole world.

  14. As serious as if any other city would be hit by an atomic bomb.


    Ms. Miche ; })

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