
How severe can herpes be?

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if i recieved a 3 sec oral s*x, did not finish, the person might have had herpes, they might have had an outbreak, I failed to pay attention which was wrong. how severe can the herpes get, also does stress make the outbreaks worse




  1. Radint, HSV can infect other parts of the body, such as the eyes and the brain. There are two types of HSV:

    HSV type 1 usually causes cold sores (also called fever blisters) on the lips. HSV-1 is generally spread by kissing or by sharing eating utensils (such as spoons or forks) when sores are present. HSV-1 can also cause sores around the genitals.

    HSV type 2 usually causes sores in the genital area (genital herpes), such as on or around the v****a or p***s. HSV-2 also causes the type of herpes infection seen in babies born to women who have genital herpes. HSV-2 is generally spread by sexual contact. Rarely, HSV-2 can cause sores elsewhere in the body.

    A herpes infection cannot be cured, though treatments are available to help manage the disease. Once you become infected with HSV, the virus remains in the body for life. It "hides" in a certain type of nerve cell, causing periodic outbreaks of sores in some people. Medication can relieve symptoms and shorten the duration of the outbreaks, but medication cannot cure the infection. Being aware of your herpes status can help you seek treatment as well as help you prevent transmitting the disease to someone else.

  2. Very, depending on your immune system and yes stress does make outbreaks worse and appear more frequent. Herpes outbreaks can get so bad that they can prevent a person from walking.

    Go to this website( some pics of how severe it can get and the various types. Hope this helps. Good Luck!!!!

  3. You " finishing" has nothing to do with it.

    If your "stuff" even touched a cold sore/ herpes you are at risk.

    Go see your Doctor.  

  4. The severity depends on the person.  But more importantly for you I would wait 2-4 weeks to see if you have an outbreak.  New infections generally show themselves by then.  If you want to be really sure, you can wait 3 months and get a blood test for either type 1 (genital) or type 2 (cold sores) to make certain you're safe.  There are several private labs you can find online that do them.  Or you can go to your doctor.

  5. I recently watched the show Dr G on Discovery Health. This woman got bit on the lip by a guy who had herpes1- two weeks later she died from disseminated herpes or systemic herpes something like that.

  6. Herpes is a virus.  There is NOTHING that can stop it.  There IS treatment for the symptoms.  If you start to have symptoms of blisters, etc., you should seek medical treatment.  Even with medication, it is still easily spread.  And, finally, stress can make outbreaks worse.  So, next time, be careful.  Not trying to sound old fashioned, but, there is nothing wrong with waiting for that "one person".   The fewer partners you have, the fewer chances you have of contracting a disease that could end your life.  And be careful of who you are with, cause, you'll be having s*x with everybody that they've had s*x with.    

  7. people very rarely die of herpes. the more common types are not life threatening. herpes is passed through skin to skin contact (like oral s*x) doesn't matter if u finished or not. herpe is not spread through body fluids. herpes can be sever but out breaks are supposed to get less sever over time. herpes is also rarally life threatening.

    if they were willing to have s*x then the out break may not have been all that sever, or its in the healing stages. if it was worse then that then they may not have wanted to have s*x. herpes can be very painful during an out break and having s*x on one would not be a good idea. since u can pass herpes on while there is an out break.

    stress triggers an out break it doesn't make herpes worse. the first few out breaks are usually the worst then over time, out breaks tend to get less severe. i've had herpes for about a year and have only had 2-3 sever out breaks. i felt like i had the flu for the first one.

    i got herpes from my bf who gave me oral s*x with a cold sore (oral herpes) so its possible to pass herpes on that way.

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