
How sexually liberated are you?

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If a person still believes that s*x is an act of intimacy and is a personal experience, does that mean he/she is not sexually liberated?

Does telling someone about your s*x life, even when they are obviously not interested, equal sexual liberation?

How do you define sexual liberation?




  1. Obviously, those who regard s*x as something sacred are not sexually liberated.

    I guess that explains why most women are not sexually liberated; because of what you mentioned in the question.'

    Some men do not connect the two--intimacy and s*x.

  2. I am sexually conservative by those standards.

  3. I'm about as liberated as Popeye the Sailor Man.

  4. Sexual liberation is have s*x when you want with who ever you want to have s*x with. It is being promiscuous.

  5. At this point in time I am only prepared to inform you what IS NOT sexual liberation.  Exploiting the 'r' word, throwing it around, & repeated & falsely accusing men of sexual misconduct is NOT sexual liberation, although many broads still believe it is..

  6. I didn't realize that sexuality needed to be liberated!  Mine hasn't ever been imprisoned or held back, as far as I know....

  7. As long as you are not with holding harmless desires, you are sexually liberated.

  8. why do you people even talk about these things!!!!

  9. I don't have s*x because I choose not to have s*x.  I'd say I'm liberated, although I bet most people wouldn't.

  10. Sexual liberation is a load of horse sh*t.

    It throws a woman's best interest to the wind.

    A woman who knows her sexuality well enough knows that her emotions are closely tied to into it

    Women who have s*x because it just might feel good are the ones who get broken hearted and are stuck raising a kid by themselves or having an abortion

  11. I DO think s*x is a big deal. Twenty-five years ago, I would very likely have said that only a husband and wife should have s*x. Since that time, however, I myself have strayed from that guideline more than once. However, I have never had sexual intercourse with a stranger and never would. I ALWAYS consider s*x an intimate act, to be shared with someone you know and have feelings for. If that makes me less than liberated, so be it.

  12. I think Im sexually liberated.

    I choose to be celibate. But i can also choose to not be celibate. Despite men asking me how I live without s*x ( uhm same way they do..breathe, eat, sleep, duh) I know I have the freedom to not have s*x no matter how much I may be ridiculed.

    I know that just because someone has lots of s*x it is not always liberation.

    Sometimes it is pressure...sometimes it is because they are trying to find love and going about it the wrong way, and sometimes they are just nymphos...

    Sexual liberation...the freedom to have s*x..or not have s*x by ones own choice.

    So thats my 2 cents.

  13. I would say it just means not being ashamed of your sexuality and not believing that you or others need to conform to strict traditional gender norms.

    You don't have to have a one-nighter with anyone to be considered "sexually liberated," but a sexually liberated person wouldn't chastise someone for having one-nighters either.

  14. Interesting question. I think, that absence of inhibitions while having s*x is the answer to your question. Many people have a hard time relaxing and enjoying themselves during s*x. So, when person is able to leave behind their insecurities and poor body image, and let themselves enjoy sexual act to its fullest without holding back, I would think that this person is sexually liberated. The answers to your other questions depend on personal preferences of everyone. In some cultures public discussions about s*x are inappropriate, however sexually liberated people manage to live there. But, if you do not believe that s*x is an act of intimacy, you are an animal. And that is not a compliment, either.

  15. I define it as not holding yourself back from what you truly, deeply want, but not necessarily putting it out there for everyone to see. (I find that contradictory to sexual liberation; it says that you just have something to prove.)

  16. Um, forcing someone to listen to your sexcapades while not interested isn't liberated...

    Nor is regarding s*x as a personal, initmate act NOT liberated...

    I have no idea really, I mean.... s*x is what you make of it, I can't define "liberated" but I do feel that "repression" is more readily definable... like people who believe s*x is sheerly for procreation, or women who are taught growing up that s*x is dirty and they should only do it if their husband demands it.... things like that.

    I guess I'm fairly liberated, I enjoy s*x, and am open to new things. Ehhhh...

  17. sexual liberation is having s*x that you are not ashamed of.

  18. Comfortable with my own sexuality and able to voice what my sexual needs are with a partner who is just as open and upfront as I am.  Discussing ones s*x life with another is cheesy at best and more often boring at most.  Sexual intimacy doesn't disappear with liberation it is merely enhanced and made better.

  19. Your date was that bad, huh?

  20. I am sexually liberated - I have s*x when I want to, not because I feel I should, or should not.

  21. Molly it is simply a matter of knowing yourself, your nature, your boundaries, your likes, dislikes

    And not fearing any of it, whether in expression or in the act

    Differences with women and men is striking

    Generally women pin s*x to something else, i.e. relationship, and it has a price (not to be crude) you know, there is a cost to it (so if the relationship is not going well, s*x is out the window, at least for a time)

    Many women WONT say what they will or won't do, because it always depend, it depends on this or that, of the state of things at the time

    And that is why the question of liberation is difficult, (she is a prude in the office where she works, but on that holiday to ‘The Islands’ last year, well that was a different girl) that sort of thing, she is liberated, and has had a go, “the once”

    But in general there are many issues

    Men on the other hand just see s*x as s*x, and will do it or not, will make rules if he wants, but might just as easily break them, if he needs to, for him, from his point of view there is nothing to fear..

    So our idea (WRONGLY) as men, is that we are liberated! lol

  22. Wow, big question.

    Sexual liberation, in my opinion, is when you in your own mind take the leap from 'what everyone does' to 'what I want to do' - even if that turns out to be the same thing.  So you can be a married lady of 50 years who lovingly kisses her husband once a week, who is more liberated than a 17 year old nymphomaniac who has a different partner every night - it all depends on your attitude, and what you get out of it.

    Also, they always say, those who talk about it don't do it, but I don't know how true that is.  I personally believe you can't tell beforehand how good a person is in bed, so it's always a surprise.  As for boring anyone by going on about something when they're not interested, that can range from amusing to pathological, but I dunno if it's liberated.  I usually find those who are not afraid to give honest, sensible advice have a good mindset, otherwise talking about it is just titilation, which may or may not be your bag.

    In general, I'd define sexual liberation as being of the mindset that enjoying your s*x life is a good thing, even if that means enjoying your lack of one; it's all about the feeling that the pleasure of being able to make your own choices is a good thing, and that if it harms none, then do what you will :-)

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